Welcome to the last Newsletter of the year for 2019. I just thought I would share a little bit of Toddler development with parents who have toddlers. 

( thought you may need a little more understanding to help get you through the Christmas break)

Toddlers are brilliant. Aren't they?
They live in the present moment.
They're capable and innocent.
And perhaps my favourite trait –they're authentic. They're unfiltered. They're among the most
honest humans on the planet. They're unapologetically themselves. But they are also the most
misunderstood humans on the planet. 
Want to read more……..

The room changes for the children will take place next year. Officially at the end of January 2020,this is when our preppies go to 'big school'. We will miss  having our preppies at kindy. Amity Arielle, Jesse and Tahlia have been with us since babies. I will miss our (often inappropriate at times )conversation with Amity and Arielle lol .. I remember when Jesse would hardly speak to me, now he engages in conversation all the time. Tahlia has blossomed this year into quite the young lady. This year has shown a lot of positive changes in our pre-schoolers.  They grow up fast and are all excited about attending big school.  Hopefully you will return and visit us. If you sent a photo of your first day we will display it in the preschool room of 2020. 

Christmas Concert.

Can you please bring a plate of food to share for our Christmas Concert on Thursday 12th December 2019 at 3:30PM .Please ensure that $ 6.00 per child or $10.00 per family is paid for this day.  .If your child does not attend on Thursday you are welcome to bring them in. Photos will be taken of your child with Santa ,and given out at the concert. The pre-schoolers graduation will be held after the centre concert in the Pre-school room. Santa will visit the centre at 10:30 am.

Centre Closure

The centre will be closing on the 23rd December 2019. The centre will reopen again on the 02/01/2020. You will not be charged for the period we are closed. Fee will commence again when your usual booking takes effect.

I would like to wish all of our families a happy and wonderful Christmas/New Year break!!!

Take care Tracey.

Nursery/Toddler's Room

We have been very busy with end of year preparations in our room. The toddlers have been very enthusiastic about their concert practice, and we can't wait to sing and dance for you all, fingers crossed (and toes) !!!. Please remember to dress your children in black bottoms and white tops, ready for our concert on Thursday.

Merry Christmas!!! 

Miss Nicki & Miss Carina 

Pre-school / Sen Kindy 

As school quickly approaches we'd like to say thank you for all your co-operation in encouraging your child to take home their belongings after their day _ this helps children gain self-confidence and responsibility for their belongings. 

We have also focused our attention on strengthening listening skills as we follow instructions. Children have gained in confidence when recognising and writing their names. School readiness activities have been in full flow with children demonstrating their skills in using scissors, counting and writing number single and double digits addition and self confidence in writing their name on the whiteboard. Younger children in Snr kindy have been learning about hygiene, health and  how to take care of themselves.  Washing hands, healthy foods, protecting themselves from sunburn and dehydration.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas

Mr Rob and Miss Donna.