By Tracey Simpson on Monday, 25 January 2021
Category: Beattie Road Early Childhood - Coomera

January 2021

From the front desk 

A huge welcome back to all of our families. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are ready for a new and exciting year.   You may have noticed a few changes in the yard. The sale has been removed due to a storm we had in December. I have been assured that is will be repaired asap. The trampoline has been removed. We are sourcing Softfall in which to stand it on. This will also be completed asap. There will be a new fences installed throughout both yards. The fort has been cornered off. This presents no safety issues, however some of the wood is lifting and needs to be replaced. When all is completed I'm sure it will be a welcome change. 

As you know increasing fees is not something we like to do, and we have not raised our fees since July 2017, however due to increased expenses, recent upgrades , future upgrades and viability , we have no choice but to raise the fees.  Our daily fee as of Monday 1st February 2021 will increase by $5.00 .  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and support. 

Kindergarten Programme

The kindergarten programme is a school readiness programme. It is design to prepare your child for the transition into the school system. It is a play based, structured, educational learning programme.  It is implemented ,overseen for 15 hours a week by a registered 4 year trained teacher. All families enrolling in to the Kindergarten programme must complete a kindergarten acknowledgment form. For the families that are entering the kindergarten programme if you are on a Health Care Card please let me know as there may be government subsidises that will apply. This only applies if your child attend Wednesday and Thursday for the kindergarten programme in the prep room. The programme will commence on Wednesday 27th January 2021.


Soccer has commenced again this year. It is played on Thursdays. Anyone interested in enrolling your child to play soccer please see either myself or Mr Rob for details . This activity is very popular with the children. The enrolment fee also includes a uniform. 

Until next month

stay safe



In the nursery and toddler room we'll be focusing on the children's social and emotional wellbeing, as we settle back into the routine of the room after holidays.  Bonding and attachment are extremely important at this very young age. Heaps of hugs and cuddles are on the agenda!

 We are asking parents to apply sunscreen before arriving at kindy, or insect repellent if required. Staff will reapply during the day. Please ensure that your child has a hat, drink bottle, sheets ( for rest time) plus a change of clothes. Water play is always on the programme during the summer months , this usually requires a change of clothing.  As always parent's input into the programme is welcomed. This may include weekend experiences, or a child's new interests you would like us to know about.  The programme in the nursery/toddler room is based on each individual child's needs, interest and development.  You as Parents or caregivers know your child best of all . Sharing your weekend's activities will support your child's wellbeing and sense of identity.

See you all soon 

Miss Nic and Miss Carina.

Senior Kindy / Pre-prep.

A big hello to all of our families. 

The first term is all about getting to know each other., establishing routines and expanding on current self - help skills and learning new ones.  This is so important for school next year when everything is about routines, timetables and being self-sufficient. In past years we have found that this take some time, so we always start and try to establish good habits early in the year.

Literacy is a large part of the program so we encourage the children to bring along books to share . It doesn't have to be a 'Show and Tell' day. A favourite part of our day is story time. so the more we have to share the better! 

Lastly we would like to encourage all of our families who haven't already done so to bring along a family photo for our photo board. The children love telling everyone about their families and this is a great source of conversation amongst them. 


Hat- no hat n o play Children will need to stat in the shade.

Drink bottle- Please ensure it goes home at the end of the week.

Sheets - for rest time.

Label all belongings.

Best wishes for 2021. Here's hoping for a wonderful year.

Miss Tracey, Mr Rob & Miss Sophie.