By Tracey Simpson on Tuesday, 29 November 2022
Category: Beattie Road Early Childhood - Coomera

November/ December Newsletter

Welcome to the last newsletter of the Year (I can't believe I'm saying that, this year has just flown)

COVID-19 / Unwell

There is a new strain of COVID making the rounds. If you or your child test positive for COVID unfortunately you will not be permitted into the centre. We have a duty of care to all the children at kindy. If your child presents a systematic (showing no symptoms) this does not mean that they are not contagious. For further information please click on link for the Qld Government Health

If your child is unwell, they should not be attending kindy. With the unpredictable weather we have been having lately there appears to be a lot of viruses around. Although a vomiting bug may seem incidental to your child, it can have major ramifications to another child. Please be mindful of your child's health.

Transitions Statement.

For the children who are starting "big school" next year The transition statements are completed. I will hand them out asap. These can be given to your child's school for next year.

Centre Closure

The centre will close on Friday 23rd December 2022 and re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

No fees will be charged during this period.

Christmas Party/ Graduation

This will he held on the 15th December at 3:00pm. The prep graduation will also take place for our little people who are going to 'big school'. The cost for this is $6 per child except for the children who are graduating their cost is $12. Can you please pay cash, if possible, prior to the day? Could each family please provide food on a paper plate for the party afterwards?

It has been another fantastic year. I would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout the year. I want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday period. I will see you all next year

Take care


Babies Room 

At the end of last week, we said farewell to Ngaitama, we wish him and his family well on their future adventures, we will miss you Ngaitama! 💕 Katana has reached the big two and has been joining in with the toddler room, we will also welcome Karina into the nursery this week!

The babies have been increasingly playful over the past few months, and they have been putting their social skills into practice during activities. Play is important for all areas of their development, including their emotional development. We will continue to explore our emotions over the next few weeks, and as always, we continue to use our senses using sand, water, leaves and grass along with our own food as we learn to feed ourselves and get messy, all of which help with developing our emotions. We have also been spending a lot of time as a group and practicing waving, clapping and pointing, and these are all signs that your babies are expanding on their communication skills. I also hear some jingle bells being practiced over the next few weeks!

As we continue to December, please ensure to pack a change of clothing for any water play, and a hat for protection from those sunny days. We would also love your assistance with applying sunscreen to your child before arriving at kindy, and any insect repellent that they may require. We will reapply sunscreen in the afternoon, and any insect repellent if requested. If you have any concerns or questions about anything, then please let me know.

Miss Nikki & Mr Rob


Jingeri (G'day) families,

As our year is coming to a close, we have been reflecting on our year and how far the toddlers have come. What an amazing year it has been with so many triumphs. We are so proud of how far each and every one of our friends have come in their own way. We would like to thank our wonderful families for joining us on our 2022 journey and for your contributions.

You will notice that our room is looking quite bare. This is because we are very busy collecting your children's artwork ready to send home for you. We have started singing songs in preparation for our Christmas concert. I'm sure you will be familiar with the ones we've chosen (we had some help from our little friends deciding which songs to sing). Over the next month, we will be in the Christmas spirit, having discussions about Christmas in our cultures, listening to carols and making Christmas artwork.

We have several of our toddler friend's toilet training which has been keeping us very busy. We will continue to work hard on self- regulation and self -help skills, particularly for those who will be venturing up to the 3-5 room next year. We have noticed an expansion in many toddlers' language skills recently which is amazing. We will continue to work on this and as always, the children's social/emotional wellbeing is our highest priority so that will continue to be a primary focus.

We hope you have enjoyed this year as much as we have. We can't wait to see what shenanigans we can get up to next year.

Nya nyah-bu  see you again) 

Carina and Soph D

3-5 Rooms 

Hi everyone welcome back to another month here in the 3-5 room, it's finally December! As we are leading into the Christmas season, we have lots of upcoming activities to celebrate the festive season.

Our Christmas concert/graduation day is Thursday 15th December, the older children will be practicing for their graduation experience, as a group (3-5 years) the children will (hopefully) be performing two short pieces they have been working very hard on.

If you have a red or orange shirt/t-shirt as well as black pants/shorts for your child, could you, please bring those in as we will be dressed in orange and black for one of the performances. Our concert day is a celebration day where we celebrate and congratulate the efforts of the graduating children as well as celebrating the year together.

All families are welcome to attend the Christmas Concert/Graduation to celebrate your child!

If you have any questions regarding concert day, please see Miss Sophie.

Friday 2nd December we will be participating in International Cookie Day as some of the children have recently been getting into the Christmas spirit, we thought to kick it off with some Christmas cookie decorating! (If your child attends on a Friday and you have concerns about this cooking experience, please see staff)

This time of year is focused on enabling a smooth transition for the Preschool children, this includes phasing out rest time. The older children are not encouraged to sleep however are encouraged to rest as there are still younger children in the group that require that quiet time.

As the weather is heating up please ensure to bring a hat and shoes for your child as we have a limited number of spare hats available, your child may be asked to remain indoors with an educator or shaded during outdoor play if they do not have a hat and suitable footwear.


Thank you 

Miss Sophie ​