By Tracey Simpson on Monday, 29 October 2018
Category: Beattie Road Early Childhood - Coomera


 It's a busy month this month with the preparation for our end of year concert and graduation. Children are also busy making Christmas presents and learning new songs and dance routines. The rooms are starting to fill up with Christmas decorations.

The warmer weather seems to be fast approaching. Please send cool clothes and apply sunscreen before they attend Kindy. We will reapply it during the day.

I will be on leave from the 5th November and return 22nd November. Mr Rob will be in my position, if you have any concerns please address them to him. I will still be uploading photos to our Facebook page so look out for them.

Our Christmas celebration will be held on Thursday 13th December (the day before school finishes). All the celebration will be on this day. As we only have a small intimate number of preps their graduation will also be held on this day.Santa will visit in the morning and he will have gifts for all the children.The cost of this will be $6.00 a child this includes the gift and a photo of Santa. This price has remained the same for over 5 years.

I would like to welcome all of our new families to the centre. We are very happy to welcome you and hope your time with us is pleasurable. If there are any concerns please do not hesitate to talk to me or one of the educators in your child's room.

A reminder that all fees must be paid in full by the close of business on the 21st December 2018. The centre will be closed on the 21/12/2018 and reopen on the 02/01/2019. You will not be charged during this time of closure.

As the end of the year is fast approaching please make sure all your details are up to date. Any concerns you may have please do not hesitate to talk to me about them.

Until next month, take care..

Regards Tracey.