By Tracey Simpson on Monday, 08 November 2021
Category: Beattie Road Early Childhood - Coomera

October 2021

Wow! The months are flying past.


Thank you to everyone for completing the online enrolment forms. If you have not already done so can you do this asap. This is particular important in the nursery as we are at full capacity on most days.

Termination of Care

Under government regulations' for receiving the Childcare Subsidy a child must attend on their last day when notice to cease care has been given by parent or the subsidy will not be applied. This will result in the parent being liable for full fees for any absences during the notice period

Transition statements

The kindergarten children who will be attending Prep next year will have Transitions Statements completed by Thursday 11th Nov. A hard copy will be handed out the parent. You may want to keep this and photocopy one for the school your child is attending.

Christmas Concert/ Graduation

Both these events will be held on the same date. You will be notified about dates and times once they have been confirmed. 

As you are all aware Mr Shaun is no longer working at the centre. Mr Rob will continue in the room till the end of the year along with myself on Wednesday and Thursday. We are still seeking a new staff member for next year. If any of you know of a anyone with a Diploma in childcare, please let me know

If you have any concern in regards to any issue at all please do not hesitate to contact me

Until next month

Take care
