By Tracey Simpson on Monday, 30 May 2022
Category: Beattie Road Early Childhood - Coomera

Welcome to the May/ June Newsletter

From the office

A big welcome to our new families. If there is anything we can help you with please do not hesitate to ask We hope you enjoy your time with us.

Higher CCS

From 7th March 2022 families with more than one child aged 5 or younger in care may receive a higher subsidy for some children. The standard rate child is usually your CCS eldest eligible child aged 5 or under. For this child you'll continue to receive this standard CCS rate. The higher rate child refers to your younger eligible child or children. You'll receive the higher subsidy rate for them. Some families need to note that once the eldest child turns 5 the higher rate subsidy will cease, and the standard rate will apply. More information can be found at the following link

Regards Tracey

May 2022 from the Nursery!

The babies are becoming confident using their vocal skills and building on their social development is fundamental in acquiring and encouraging their language. Building blocks and puzzle toys have been popular this month as we enhance our problem-solving skills, along with working on our fine and gross motor development. We are also exploring our senses using sand, water, leaves and grass, and finding out what we like and don't like touching. The nursery program always includes a strong focus on social and emotional wellbeing and endures to give the babies a great sense of being and belonging. Please bring in or send me any family photos we can use for our nursery family wall; the babies will love being able to see their loved ones throughout their day at kindy!!

Please ensure to pack a change of clothing for any water play, and a hat for protection from those sunny days. We would also love your assistance with applying sunscreen to your child before arriving at kindy, and any insect repellent that they may require. We will reapply sunscreen in the afternoon, and any insect repellent if requested. If you have any concerns or questions about anything, then please let me know.

Miss Nikki

Toddlers Room

Jingeri jimbelungs, (hello friends),

Firstly, we would like to welcome our two new friends to the toddler room, Aoife and Lucas. We hope you enjoy being part of our toddler team.

We have had such an action packed few weeks with using the children's interests as the foundation of our program. We have recently been enjoying learning and play linked to the Wiggles and Cookie Monster which included craft, cooking, games, stories and songs.

This week and next week we will be focusing on making our new friends feel welcome as well as contributing to Reconciliation Week which is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia ( We will be learning basic language from the Yugambeh people, reading dream time stories, learning indigenous music/dance, role playing indigenous camping/making bush tucker along with other activities that incorporate the indigenous cultures.

Our primary focuses in the room, still remain exercising our self-help skills and meeting everyone's social and emotional needs. It is important to us that every member of our class feels a strong sense of belonging.

As toddlers need lots of outdoor play all year round to keep active, we ask that you please send warm clothing for those cooler mornings and late afternoons.

Nya-nyah-bu (see you again)!

Miss Carina and Miss Sophie

3–5-Year-old room

As we approach the half way point in the year children's learning experiences are moving along nicely. Every day we are working hard towards school readiness. Children have been focusing on areas such as literacy, numeracy, colours and shapes

We have been extending some of our numeracy skills and looking at basic addition and subtraction. It has been a positive experience with some great results. Our discussions at group time about various themes and topics have become quite lively even our quitter children are joining in expressing their knowledge and thoughts. We almost always have a daily question at roll time which each child can answer when their name is called. This ensures that everyone has a chance to speak and be part of our group discussions.

Some children are now recognising numbers, without actually counting to that number. We are working on our letters and sounds and enjoy listening to and singing 'The Jolly Phonic song'. Children have been tracing letters and some children are now writing their own names without any support

Over the upcoming months school age children will be focusing more on sitting down, listening, watching, talking/ discussing and engaging more during group time activities.

These are the skills that children will need in order to retain information and develop their understanding of concepts and new ideas at school next year.

The younger children in the class have been working on their communications skills while learning our colours, shapes and looking at words in our word's books. We have been working on their sharing skills while exploring. Child have been very interested in building with blocks to make towers, and then knocking them down. We have extended this activity by saying the colour of the blocks and counting as we build. Group time has been focusing on colour recognition and shapes activities.

One of our wonderful families have donated dress up clothes which the children are loving. The children's imaginations skills are very impressive as they explore different adventures. Puzzles are a favourite this month as well. This is great, as it encourages children to problem solve and apply thinking strategies. It has been a fun month.


Until next time

Mr Rob