By Rachael Moisander on Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

August News

Hello everyone....

Our current centre focus is on Quality Area 5. (National Quality Standards) 


Good relationships early in life help children to connect with others, build positive friendships and support children to self-regulate their emotions.

Research shows relationships are central to children developing acceptance, self-esteem and higher functioning thinking skills that contribute to positive learning and life outcomes.  Educators can take an active role in nurturing, supporting and promoting children's relationships and social skills.

For relationships to be meaningful, interactions need to be warm, caring and responsive. When attention is given to building connections and maintaining them over time, children are more likely to feel a sense of security, well-being and belonging.

Speak Soon, 

Rachael and the Ladies

Breakfast Policy

Aim:  To serve children breakfast when arriving at the centre before 7.30am 

Guiding Principles: Children will be served their breakfast if their parents are unable to feed them before they leave home. Parents are required to provide breakfast for their child that can be served in the room. Breakfast will only be served before 7.30am.  Arrangements can be made with the Nominated supervisors and Educators.  This procedure does not include infants or babies where they require bottles a varying times. 

References: KAL Nominated supervisors and KAL Management, Nominated supervisors meeting 2013.  Education and care services national regulations/ 168 (2)(a).  National Quality Framework- Standard 2.2

 Winter germs 

It is that time of year for fuzzy socks, warm blankies, winter PJ's and .....SICKNESS. I think like most of our community we have had our fair share of winter bugs and we are hopefully on the mend.  To help us with our fight against the winter sickies, please keep your child home until they are well enough to return to the centre. 

We are trying our best to stop the spread of any infections within the centre by ramping up our already strict health and hygiene practices. 

Things to look out for:

* Lethargy                      * Vomiting/ Diarrhoea      *Flu type symptoms 

* High temperatures          * Runny nose                  *General feeling of being unwell

* Any symptoms requiring ongoing need for paracetamol

Thank you for your help

​Let's work together 

As a parent of two, working full time and doing a bachelor degree I know how it feels to be time poor.  On more than one occasion I have run into the centre with a tired child, cold toast in a bag and toothpaste on my shirt!  That is why I am lucky to have a group of educators that are wonderful and happy to help me on those crazy days. 

On the other end of this scenario I know what it takes for the educators to go that extra mile for me, to settle my child, to give her breakfast and to even brush her hair if I haven't had the time. I really appreciate these ladies, like really. 

I am just one parent and have one child at this centre. The ladies are finding it difficult to change a growing number of children out of night time nappies, from PJ's into day clothes and to be giving children their breakfast into mid morning. 

If we could all work together & take the time to walk in each others shoes we can refocus. Our staff look forward to dedicating more quality time to your children at making memories.

Miss Nicole Kitchen

This recipe is a favourite for fussy children. Sometime children don't like eating their vegetables but when hidden into this dish they eat every last bit. Feel free to add your own choices of vegetables - it's a very flexible dish. Very filling,healthy and yummo!


  • 2 tbs oil
  • 60 g butter
  • 1 onion medium chopped
  • 1 garlic clove finely chopped
  • 500 g beef mince
  • 1 carrot large grated
  • 1/4 cabbage thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup red capsicum finely chopped
  • 1 cup beef stock (liquid)
  • 2 tbs tomato sauce
  • 3 tbs dijon mustard
  • 1 2-minute noodles cooked