By Rachael Moisander on Wednesday, 01 March 2017
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

March 2017 - Daisy Hill

Welcome to another month.

Firstly, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families that have recently joined us. We are so excited to be part of your child's journey creating wonderful memories that will be remembered for years to come.
Everyone has settled well into their classrooms and a lot of exciting experiences are happening all over the centre. We trust that we will keep moving forward in a positive direction for another wonderful year.
We recognise the traditional owners of this land and aim to create collaborative partnerships with families and communities.

Quality Programming

We aim to offer high quality programs for children, balancing child led experiences and intentional teaching by our educators. We deliver engaging experiences through play with children. 

I have been having a few similar conversations with families of late in regards to scaffolding children's learning and ensuring that children are well prepared learners as they move towards prep programs. Trust us, we do. 

We are advocates of l earning through play. We are regulated by the Early Years Learning Framework and Kindergarten program and this is reflected in our practices. Play is the foundation for children's well-being and emotional strength. Play allows children the opportunity to showcase their outstanding ability for exploration, imagination, creative ability and development. 

Play is fun!

We're Providing Meals :)

We are going to be serving nutritious meals at the centre for your convenience! 

Starting on the 3rd of April we will be providing Morning, Lunch and Afternoon tea. 

A copy of our new weekly menus are available for your perusal at the front counter (office) and also where the original Morning and afternoon tea menus were displayed. 

The fee structure of our service will stay as it is. The families at Daisy Hill ELC will incur no cost as a result of food now being supplied as we do not charge for food. 

Any queries please see Rachael.


If your child has asthma and requires ongoing treatment at the centre they will require an Asthma Plan. If they are keeping their Ventolin and spacer here at the service, the Ventolin and spacer must be stored in a clear labelled container (e.g. lunch box style). This will minimise the time it takes for us to sort through children's Ventolin and spacers to find the one we need.


We love your feedback and we encourage you to share with us! Please feel free to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have. Our door is always open and we look forward to speaking with you soon!