By Rachael Moisander on Tuesday, 21 June 2022
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

June News

 Welcome to the June edition of our monthly Newsletter and

welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling

into centre life, if there is anything we can do to make your

stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know!

Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up

to date with centre events.

Transitions are taking place throughout the centre for some of our wonderful children. We endeavour to ensure that no child is 'moved' into an older classroom based simply on their age group. Children must show the signs of wanting or needing to transition to an older environment and be supported throughout the transition process. I am so confident in the ability of our staff to support your child throughout this process. If you have any concerns regarding your child, their environment or transition. Please feel free to speak with myself or your child/rens teachers.
Transitions occur throughout education and as such they are important milestones to be acknowledged. Routines and moments of transition offer so much that has the potential to be rich, warm, comforting and nurturing for children.

 NAIDOC WEEK.... NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

We will be celebrating NAIDOC week from 3 -10 July. Please feel free to share any ideas for celebrations. 

Can you help us with our recycling? 

We have a can recycling bin in our foyer for any loose aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers.  If you are able to we will also take your bags of cans that you have at home.  We are collecting these cans to put towards the children's Christmas party. 

For a limited time we have a clothing collecting bin in our foyer.  This is from Australian Clothing Recyclers. If you are wanting to donate to this wonderful cause please feel free. 

Clothing For All

A third world exists where there is a great need for the supply of quality used clothing and accessories. By donating your good quality wearable clothing and accessories you are in fact recycling and used clothing is a valuable carbon neutral commodity. The more clothing can be re-used, less energy is consumed to actually cloth people.

By helping donate your wearable clothing to ACR we are in turn able to provide affordable clothing to people and villages in the Pacific, also reduces landfill and raises awareness in recycling.
Hence we took up the initiative to launch a full fledged business venture focusing on :

Quick reminder:

Please remember to bring your child's hat, water bottle, sheets and a change of clothes everyday (you will need to provide nappies for your child if they are over two years of age)