By Rachael Moisander on Friday, 13 May 2022
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

May News

 News from the Office.....

 Welcome to the MAY edition of our monthly Newsletter and

welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling

into centre life, if there is anything we can do take make your

stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know!

Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up

If you have any hidden talents and would like to come and share yourself with us, we would
LOVE to hear from you! We would love it even if any of our beautiful families came and did some gardening or story time with the children.

Until next time

Rachael and the Ladies

 Nursery News….

Our Nursery classroom is an exciting place to be, especially over this past month. We are focusing on strengthening our bonds between educator and child to ensure best outcomes are met for children. We have been exploring a lot of sensory experiences and the benefits of this kind of play from birth. Early on, babies learn about their world using their senses: seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling & tasting. As they grow, children's senses are their most familiar way to explore their environment and process information.

Now that the weather has been cooling off it has also given the babies the opportunity to play in the beautiful mid-morning sunshine, as long as the rain stays away! The Nursery yard has great shade so the combination of cool weather and the sun has been bliss.

We are having such lovely experiences with children such as music sessions, gardening and visiting the older age groups.

Linzi and Yuki 

 Toddler time!

Can we even believe it is May already? I guess time flies when you're having fun!

The children have been responding to the areas of interest with great enthusiasm. It is lovely for the children to move freely and make their own interests the focus of their time with us. The free flow program is giving the children the opportunity to really set the pace of the day. A focus for the toddler children has also been independence, Assisted of course. We have set up a permanent craft trolley in the room. This allows the children to access glue, paper, magazines, drawing equipment and other creative art materials whenever they choose. promotes their own decision making and pride in their work.

If you have any ideas for our classroom or the centre I would love to hear from you.

Speak soon,

Sara and Jenny 

 What's happening in Explorers?

The Explorer friends have been busy bees this past month!

The Explorers have been doing many music and movement experiences! Exercise establishes a positive self-esteem and contributes to a healthy mind and body. The children enjoy ball games and developing their kicking and throwing and catching skills.

We have also been focusing on group play, that also promotes a sense of connectedness and relationship. Social interaction occurs through group play. At the age of two the children develop an interest in role playing and imaginative play. Please come and see our friendly staff if you have any ideas for our program! We would love to hear from you

Sara, Kiran and Hayley 

 Early Education

We have been engaging in a lot of outdoor experiences now that the weather is lovely and fresh. There has been a lot of community play, all of the children have been exploring different play spaces and have been settling in their own areas of interest. Exploring in the sandpit and garden area and also using our gross motor skills to climb up the frames and play chasing games has been a hot favourite for the children of late.

We want to ensure that each experience is an extension of your child's home life which is why your family input is important, is so important to our evolving program.

Through our programs, children will be able to learn through three main concepts: Being, Becoming and Belonging.

If you have any free time and would like to be a part of our class we would love to hear from you!

Until next time

Isha and Mau Mau 

 Kindergarten news!

Hi everyone!
Thanks to the EDUCA program, you should be up to date with all the goings on in the room. 

If you are not yet using EDUCA, please see me so I can get you set up as this is now the main way I use to communicate with families. 

 I love logging on and reading comments. You may not be aware that you can add items to your child's portfolio! I would love to see posts and share them with the class about exciting things the children have done outside of Kindergarten.

You will notice that new resources have been purchased for the Kindergarten children. 

We are looking forward to engaging in new and exciting experiences using our new equipment. 

Natalie and Marivic