By Rachael Moisander on Monday, 31 May 2021
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

May Newsletter

Nursery News

This month we have been focusing on Healthy Eating. We started the month by introducing and discussing various fruits that we eat at the centre and at home.

We have been looking at lots of clips online of fresh produce with the help of youtube's farm to truck stories. We have also made a fruit collage and a vegetable collage.

We have also been heavily focused on Australia seasons and what they bring. We have been doing some beautiful collages depicting our seasons using great big pieces of paper, donated from our wonderful families.

Outdoor play has been beautiful! The weather is getting cooler, which we have to rug up for obviously but it makes for lovely sunny mornings and afternoons

 Welcome to the MAY edition of our monthly Newsletter and

welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling

into centre life, if there is anything we can do take make your

stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know!

Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up

to date with centre events.

Kindergarten News

We have been learning about how to write our first and last names, as well as learning a different letter of the alphabet each week. We learn what sound it makes, how to write it, and things that start with that letter. 

It has also been very exciting that our little garden has begun to grow. The children have been checking it everyday and finally we had a few strawberries and tomatoes for them to try.

We have been discussing with the children about filling their cup: To fill your cup means to replenish those stores of mental, emotional, and physical energy. It means that you need to stop and recharge your batteries. Take time to fill your cup with love and peace then you will be able to pour into others this is not selfish , this is necessary. Have gratitude think of what you are grateful for each day…. We all have something we are grateful for! 

Lastly we have started doing yoga everyday with the children before rest time to help them whined down and relax they all seem to enjoy it as it is in a fun story telling way. 

Explorer News

We would like to start off by talking about what we have done over the past month. As you may have seen from our room, we have been Focusing on our cultures and what makes us special. It has been so wonderful learning about all of the wonderful culturally diverse backgrounds we have in our centre.

The children have also really enjoyed learning about all the colours as each day we have observed the children talking to their friends about what colour clothes they are wearing.

Our classroom is buzzing with exciting activities and experiences for the children. Please feel free to stop by for a visit! 

 House Keeping:
* Please ensure that your children's belongings are clearly labelled.
*All children are to wear a hot in our outdoor environment, please enquire at the front office about purchasing a Daisy Hill ELC hat if you would like, otherwise a hat from home must come with your child everyday.
*Please ensure children have adequate warm clothing, it is getting a bit chilly and we want the children to play in a suitable environment