By Rachael Moisander on Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

November News

 News from the Office...

I am finding it hard to believe that we are already in November and the end of the year is so near. It has been such a beautiful time and we start to get nostalgic nearing the end of the year as it is the time in which our children begin preparation for the next path in their Early years Journey and especially our Kindergarten children who will all leave us next year to begin Prep!! Such exciting times.

We hope that you have noticed some of the exciting things that are happening around our great centre. Entrance windows to the the centre have been tinted in hopes of cooling this side of the building as it gets very hot in the front of house in the summer which can have a knock on effect throughout the centre.

The fort area in the back yard and all of the poles throughout the service, have been sanded, high pressure cleaned and resprayed to prevent any older paint from peeling or flaking and potentially causing a hazard.

The garden beds have had a freshen up and have been moved for easier accessibility for the Educators and children.

 Positive Bed time routines for children

A positive bedtime routine involves your child going through a few quiet, enjoyable activities about 20 minutes before bedtime. Without a good bedtime routine, it can be hard for babies and young children to settle to sleep.

What a positive bedtime routine looks like:

Most bedtime routines include pre-bed tasks like having a bath and brushing teeth, as well as quiet, enjoyable activities like reading a book or listening to a story. The aim is to keep the atmosphere calm and positive, using positive attention and praise.

Here's an example of a bedtime routine that could start after dinner and a bath:

At the end of the 20-minute 'positive period', be clear that it's now time for sleep. This means no more stories or talking. Say goodnight to your child, then leave the room straight away.

Making a start: choosing a bedtime

You might have an ideal bedtime in mind – somewhere between 7 pm and 8 pm often works for young children.

Moving your child's actual bedtime towards your ideal bedtime

About a week after you introduce the positive bedtime routine, you can start gradually making your child's bedtime earlier.

This involves making bedtime about 15 minutes earlier every couple of days. You do this until you reach the ideal bedtime for your child.

For example, your child has been falling asleep at 9 pm, but you want an 8 pm bedtime. Here's what to do:

  1. Start your positive bedtime routine at 8.40 pm, so that your child is ready for a 9 pm bedtime.
  2. Do this for two nights.
  3. Start your positive bedtime routine at 8.25 pm, so your child is ready for an 8.45 pm bedtime.
  4. Do this for two nights.
  5. Continue this gradual 'fading' process until your child is going to bed at 8 pm or the time you want.

The strategy will work best if you consistently put your child to bed on time while you're trying to make their bedtime earlier. It can take a few weeks, but a positive bedtime routine will improve settling problems, decrease the number of times your child calls out to you at night, and lead to better parent-child relationships. 

 Hats & Sunscreen

Help us to protect your children

* PLEASE apply sunscreen to your children in the mornings so that they can play as soon as they get to school. If we apply your children's sunscreen they will need to play inside for a period of 20 minutes until the sunscreen is effective in protecting your children.

Children are in school/ Early childcare programs when daily ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are at their peak.

Our service aligns itself with the guidelines of the Australian sun smart programs, we

Evidence suggests that childhood exposure to UV radiation contributes significantly to the development of skin cancer in later life. Educating school children and reducing their UV exposure is expected to have a major impact on the future incidence of skin cancer in Australia.

Enrolment for 2022!!

If you have not yet returned your enrolment/ holiday form for 2022. Please do so at your earliest convenience. We would like to staff correctly and offer our Educators holiday opportunities.