By Rachael Moisander on Thursday, 28 October 2021
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

October News

 News from the Office

What beautiful weather we have been having! The children have been enjoying extended outdoor play in the afternoons with the sunshine hanging around to keep us warmer for longer.

Please ensure that your little one has sunscreen on (located in the foyer @ the Sunscreen Station) before they join their peers in the morning. 

 A few reminders:-

 We have some budding GREEN THUMBS! 

The children continue to be interested in our gardening, from watering the plants, growing plants from seed and even getting to eat some fresh produce.  Our garden/  seedlings are all growing well and will be in our garden bed soon. The children are also interested in the compost process, as they have observed our scraps turn into compost for our garden. So exciting to watch the children's interest and the garden grow! 

Active play for young children: 

Young children learn by doing, and "active play" includes both structured and unstructured activities. If there's been rain and children play and jump in the puddles, that's unstructured play. Later, when the weather warms a bit, they find that the water has become sticky and they can create MUD PIES. 

Structured play is when an adult creates a stimulating environment and children are encouraged to explore. 

Adults support the children's exploration by being active role models: engaging in the play themselves and demonstrating different ways of playing. It is not necessary for children to have mastered a specific technique, such as being able to kick a ball straight or jump using a skipping rope as long as they've learned that they can have fun when engaging in active play. 

Both indoors and out, a stimulating environment encourages children to be active and explore their abilities. It supports their motivation to move and helps to develop both confidence and competence. 

Remember....HAVE FUN