By Rachael Moisander on Thursday, 26 October 2017
Category: Daisy Hill Early Learning Centre

November News!

News from the Office...

I am finding it hard to believe that we are already in November and the end of the year is so near. It has been such a beautiful time and we start to get nostalgic nearing the end of the year as it is the time in which our children begin preparation for the next path in their Early years Journey and especially our Kindergarten children who will all leave us next year to begin Prep!! Such exciting times. 

We hope that you have noticed some of the exciting things that are happening around our great centre.  Entrance windows to the the centre have been tinted in hopes of cooling this side of the building as it gets very hot in the front of house in the summer which can have a knock on effect throughout the centre.

The fort area in the back yard and all of the poles throughout the service, have been sanded, high pressure cleaned and resprayed to prevent any older paint from peeling or flaking and potentially causing a hazard. 

The garden beds have had a freshen up and have been moved for easier accessibility for the Educators and children.

The Kindergarten's Graduation ceremony will be held on the 24th Of November and our centre Children's Christmas party is on the 8th of December!

Just for your information.......

Daisy Hill ECE management was recently lucky enough to attend a focus group with some of the 'Big Wigs' of  the ECEC industry.

It was a fantastic opportunity to provide feedback on the model, Hearts and Minds (developed by Monash University- Evidence based programs that support development of young children's social and emotional development)

Overall, this project builds on the current research evidence supporting the growing issues arising for educators' classroom management decision-making. A key benefit will be a framework for future direction to support confidence in quality early years educational opportunities for children aged birth to five years.

Sector feedback through these focus groups will help to shape the way in which framework and resources are developed to roll out this program. We look forward to seeing this program implemented in the ECE industry. 

Can you Help?? 

On the 13-19 November it is National Recycling week! 

You may think that your unwanted 'house items' are ready for the tip but we would love the opportunity to up cycle your pre loved junk. :-) 

We are looking for: Timber, cutlery, kitchen items, small furniture, cardboards, papers, bric-a-brac, old clothes etc.

 Hats & Sunscreen

Help us to protect your children

* PLEASE apply sunscreen to your children in the mornings so that they can play as soon as they get to school.  If we apply your children's sunscreen they will need to play inside for a period of 20 minutes until the sunscreen is effective in protecting your children.

Children are in school/ Early childcare programs when daily ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are at their peak.

Our service aligns itself with the guidelines of the Australian sun smart programs, we 

  • have a written sun protection policy meeting minimum standards relating to curriculum, behaviour and the environment
  • be working to increase shade
  • reschedule/minimise outdoor activities during peak UV periods of the year
  • teach, model and reinforce positive sun protection behaviour
  • agree to undertake periodic policy reviews with its state or territory Cancer Council and update their policy accordingly to meet SunSmart standards.

Evidence suggests that childhood exposure to UV radiation contributes significantly to the development of skin cancer in later life. Educating school children and reducing their UV exposure is expected to have a major impact on the future incidence of skin cancer in Australia.

                               Nicole's Kitchen  


Brown rice (uncooked)

1 1/2 cups


1 large

Red capsicum


Spring onion

3 stems

Canola oil

½ tablespoon

Minced ginger

1 teaspoon

Peas, frozen

1 cup

Corn kernels, frozen

1 cup

Reduced salt soy sauce

2 tablespoons



x 2


  1. Cook rice according to packet instructions. Allow to dry out (this may be prepared the day before and refrigerated overnight).
  2. Wash the carrot, capsicum and spring onion and dice into small pieces (discarding capsicum seeds and stalk).
  3. Heat half the oil in a pan, add the spring onion and ginger. Gently cook.
  4. Add carrot and capsicum to pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Add peas and corn and continue to cook for 3 to 5 minutes.
  6. Add the cooked rice and soy sauce. Stir to heat through.
  7. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk.
  8. In a separate fry pan, add the remaining oil. When the oil is hot, add the whisked eggs and cook on moderate heat until just set.
  9. Remove eggs from fry pan, cut into 1cm strips and stir through the rice and vegetables.