By Leanne Beecher on Tuesday, 01 August 2017
Category: Doolandella Early Learning Centre

August News

From the Office

Hello and welcome to the August newsletter. My name is Leanne and I will be filling in as Centre Manager while Evonne is away on maternity leave. A big welcome also to our new families. I hope you enjoy your time here with us and that your child grows to their full potential.

 I would like to remind everyone to keep your contact details up to date, you can email the centre at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write us a note and drop it into the office any time. 


Account statements are emailed every Monday, if you are not receiving this email please email the centre so we can check your email address is correct. Make sure you also check your statement each week and if there is a problem you can contact us and we can fix, if you contact us weeks after the error happens it is a lot harder to fix and your account could end up in arrears. As per our policies, all accounts must be on direct debit and be paid in advance. if your payment declines you will need to make the payment asap or your child's booking will be suspended until payment is made in full. If your account is in arrears at the moment you will need to be placed on a payment plan, if you refuse to make the regular payments your childs booking will be suspended.


​Please like our centre facebook page and share with your family and friends. I will be posting regular photos and activities that are going on in the rooms. 

  Woolworth's Earn and Learn 

Is back again for another big year, so start collecting and drop them into the box in the foyer, or we now have a box down at Woolies forest lake so you can drop them off there as well.

From the Kitchen 

I would like to remind parents that we provide morning tea and afternoon tea each day. excluding the Nursery. Nursery children will still need to bring all their food for the day. Please only bring your childs lunch for the day, as we do not have space in our fridges for every child to put a full lunch box. Miss Kim will now be preparing the morning tea and afternoon tea each day and she will make sure every room has the correct amount and any dietary / allergies requirements are meet, If you are in doubt please see Kim or Leanne at the office. If your child stays until after 5 pm and you feel that they need a late snack, you can provide this but it must be put in the baskets that are in each rooms kitchen.this snack needs to be small and not need refrigeration or heating up as we need to keep the correct child to staff ratios and cant have educators away from the children heating up food.


Today we commence our Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough Easter Fundraiser. All funds raised will go towards new resources in the junior rooms. The moreish cookie dough is only available through fundraisers, not sold in stores, so stock up!

Each family has been provided a Billy G's Fundraiser order form for collecting orders from family, friends & neighbours.

Please return your brochure & monies by 1st September to Doolandella Early Learning Centre.

Paying for your orders

You have two options:

Billy G's is an Australian family owned and operated business. There are ten (10) delicious flavors including a Gingerbread and Shortbread Biscuit dough, a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough that your favorite furry animals will go bonkers over and a Gluten Free Choc Chunk.

There are FREE PRIZES detailed in the order form. The more tubs you sell, the better the prize!

Cruiseabout Holiday Promotion: simply by purchasing or selling a tub of cookie dough you will have the chance to win a $5,000 Cruiseabout Gift Voucher. You have to be in it to win it so start selling today! To enter please go to

We thank you for making our Billy G's Fundraiser a huge success!