By on Monday, 29 May 2017
Category: Doolandella Early Learning Centre

Centre Newsletter May 2017

Welcome to the May edition of Doolandella's news!

You will have all noticed that both Miss Evonne & Allana are well into their maternity leave & have both welcomed new family additions into the world, Evonne has a daughter named Ida & Allana a son named Charles. We can't wait for them to visit, we wish them & their babies to be healthy & get lots of sleep!

As many of our families are aware, the Child Care Rebate is calculated over a financial year & currently has a limit of $7500 per year. Many families at this time of year run out of the Rebate or can have it withheld partially in an effort to avoid getting a bill from Centrelink at tax time, this can create a lot of financial pressure on families to keep their finances afloat until the new financial year ticks over. We are working closely with many of our families in an effort to support their ability to manage this, please speak with Cariad or Bek if you're requiring support.

You can learn more here

Over the coming weeks you will notice our outdoor play spaces will be freshened up with the addition of some new trees. With the children we will be planting Lily Pilly trees throughout the yards to offer both shade & an increased feel of gardens within the children's learning spaces. We welcome your assistance & support with this new adventure, our classes will be teaching the children to care gently for these new trees, to keep them in the soil, water them & protect their leaves from being picked so that they can grow big & strong for our garden. We cant wait to see the children's faces when they're lush & established.

Thank you for a wonderful month & here's to many more,
