By on Thursday, 06 September 2018
Category: Doolandella Early Learning Centre

September Newsletter

From the Office

Hello everyone and welcome to all of our new families!  What a busy year we've had so far!  We have enjoyed lots of recent events at the Centre and we have a few special ones coming up soon to look forward to. 

Last month we Celebrated Cultural week at the Centre which involved all the staff from different backgrounds performing a traditional dance from their culture.  They also made some traditional foods to for us to try and involved the children in different cultural arts and crafts. This was a super fun week at the Centre!

We have also recently Celebrated the Centre's 4th Birthday and Ekka Show day together.  We had some side show ally games and activities for the children to participate in along with cakes to enjoy for our Birthday.  The show bags were a big hit which was also a Centre fundraiser.  We were able to raise $222 so we would like to thank all of those who purchased show bags. This money will go towards some new resources for the children to use in the rooms and playground.

Up-coming Events:

Date Night

How do you wrangle a quiet night in or dinner for two when you have a toddler at your feet and limited babysitting options?

We have the answer for you! We will treat your children to a fun night in at Doolandella Early Learning Centre whilst you enjoy time with your loved one.

When: Friday 5th October 2018

Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Where: Doolandella Early Learning

Price:  $30 for 1 child

         $50 for 2 children

         $60 for 3 children

The children will be treated to a night of fun including movies with popcorn and drinks. As well as other fun activities.

Please ensure that your child has had dinner before arriving for their fun night.

If you have other children that you would like to attend date night please contact the Centre to arrange the necessary paper work.

Forest Lake Hotel are running a special offer in conjunction with Date Night.  Please see Miss Casey or Miss Cariad to be able to take advantage of 15% off your bill total on the night. 


We will be holding a Halloween fun day on Wednesday 31st of October. Come dressed up and join in the festivities as we hold a fun afternoon with exciting activities.  Parents are invited to join in the fun from 3:00pm on Wednesday 31st of October.

Parent Teacher Interviews

The end of the year is rapidly approaching! We will be holding our end of year Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday October 9th 2018. Time sheets will be placed out this week for you to book in a suitable time. Children attending the Kindergarten program for 2018 Interviews will be held over the week of October 8th. Available times will be displayed in the foyer.

Book Fair

We will be holding our very first book fair from November 5th to 16th!

Just in time to pick up a few new books for Christmas gifts.

To wrap up the festivities we will be holding book week dress up day on November 16th. Come in dressed up as your favourite book character, be sure to bring along the book too so we can share it at group time.

Any parents wanting to join us for group times and read us a story are more than welcome to. Please see your child's Educators to arrange an appropriate time. 

Christmas and Graduation Photos

It's that time of year again! We will be holding our Christmas and Graduation photos again this year on October 16th, 31st and November 2nd and 11th.

We have received wonderful feedback from past years about the ease of our Christmas photos and what wonderful gifts they make for grandparents and families. 

Order forms will be going out in children's room pockets very soon for you to place your orders.

Next Years Bookings: 

Over the next few weeks we will be sending out booking forms for 2019. Please ensure these forms are returned ASAP so we can reserve your child's place for 2019. Failure to return forms may result in the days you are wanting been unavailable.

If you have any younger children you are wanting to commence care in early 2019 please see the office staff to collect an enrolment form to secure a space.

 From the Kitchen:

 As we head into summer we will be moving to our summer menu. As always we are looking for parent input and feedback into the meals we provide. Please share any of your child's favourite meals with us so we can include them in our menu.

Here is a delicious recipe for you to try at home...

Rainbow fruit wraps:


2 slices wholegrain wrap bread (20cm)

1 cup strawberries, sliced

1 cup oranges, sliced

1 cup kiwifruit, sliced

1 cup blueberries

2 tablespoons reduced-fat cream cheese or ricotta cheese


Lay the wrap bread slices on a flat working surface. Spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese on each wrap, leaving a 1cm border.

Layer each colour of fruit in a row to make a "rainbow".

Roll up the wrap, cut in half and serve immediately.

Sun Safety: 

As we head into summer we have implemented a new approach to sun safety. We have recreated our Sun Safe policy which is attached below. Please make yourself familiar with it. As a part of our new policy we request that children are dressed in appropriate clothing for the weather; i.e Dark colours, sleeves and collars and are made with close woven fabrics – natural fibres.

We have provided a sunscreen station in the foyer for all families to take advantage of to ensure your child has had sunscreen put on before heading out into the playground.

Under the clocks in both playgrounds you will find our Max UV index poster that show the Maximum predicted UV index for the day, we have also included the guidelines for each of the UV index ratings. These will be followed to ensure maximum sun protection whilst at the Centre. 

Car Seat Safety: 

Please be aware that we are mandatory reporters for any child at risk of harm. This includes children who are not placed in the correct child restraints in your car.

We have attached information of current guidelines for you to refer to please ensure any child in your car is placed in the appropriate child restraint in your vehicle at all times.

Any child found to not be in the correct child restraint in any car will be reported to the police.