2022 is here and so is COVID: 

 Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter for 2022. Well we certainly have been kept busy so early in the new year haven't we.

I want to take a minute and thank everyone for working with us as we navigate the ongoing COVID pandemic. It is definitely around us now and we are all working hard to make sure we limit the exposure of COVID to our centre as best as we can. Please remember to use hand sanitiser, gloves, paper towels that are provided to help you move around the building. Please also remember you MUST wear a mask and only ONE parent to do the drop off and pick and please limit your time in the centre when you are here too.

If you are affected by COVID and need to isolate and your child cannot attend the centre, please refer to the procedure that is pinned at the top of our message board on EDUCA.

Staff changes for 2022: 

We have been busy with staff changes over the past month as we have said goodbye to some staff - Miss Maggie, Miss Lily, Miss Monique have all said goodbye.

Miss Maggie and Miss Lily have left for health reasons and we wish them all the best in getting better and who knows maybe we will see them back here when they are feeling better.

Miss Monique has accepted a position on the Gold Coast and we wish her all the best with the move.

Miss Kirstie is now on Maternity leave.

With these changes, there have been some room staff changes - mainly for Senior Kindy and Kindergarten. The staffing in those rooms will now be:

SENIOR KINDY - Miss Tiffany and Miss Alison

KINDERGARTEN - Miss Felicity and Miss Chloe

Kindergarten Acknowledgement forms: 

For the children that are in the Kindergarten room this year, we need families to fill out the Kindergarten Acknowledgement form. Please submit along with a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport. If you have a health care card, please submit a copy of this. A link has been shared on your child's EDUCA profile earlier this month. If you missed that or cannot find it - this is the link for the form, please click or copy and paste into your browser and complete by Friday 11th February, 2022. 


Till next month, please stay safe.

With a smile 😊
