By Glenda Ellis | Footprints on Monday, 14 August 2017
Category: Footprints Sunnybank

Footprints Sunnybank | August 2017 Newsletter

From the Office:

Dates to remember:

August ​​September
​Wednesday 16th - Centre Closed EKKA Public Holiday ​Friday 1st - Father's Day Raffle drawn
​Friday 18th - Movie night Fundraiser (Centre's birthday celebration)​Thursday 7th - Pirate Dress Up Day
​Thursday 24th - Centre's 8th Birthday​Thursday 7th - The Mystery of Turtle Island Pirate Show - Itty Bitty Starts 2:15pm

 Staffing Update

Miss Sinead is currently on leave while she undertakes her teaching prac as part of her Bachelor studies, whilst she is off - Miss Dana will be assisting Miss Sharney in the Kindergarten 2 room. We wish Miss Sinead success with her prac and cannot wait to see her when she returns.

​Account Statements and Payments

Account statements are processed each Monday (if there is a public holiday on the Monday then it will be done on the Tuesday). These statements are printed and placed in your family pockets for the first few weeks of your enrolment here at the centre. Then we begin to email them to you.

Please check that you are receiving your statements each week, if you are not for some reason, please let Glenda know so that we can work out why you are not receiving these so that we can fix the issue and get them to you each week with no problems.

When you receive your statements, as explained in the enrolment orientation, we ask you to please check these - look at the amount that is due to come out and please have sufficient funds for the scheduled debit. If you feel the amount is wrong - please get in touch with Glenda immediately so that the payment can be looked at and fixed it need be. In doing this we can work together to ensure debits will work smoothly and the amount to be taken out is not a surprise.

IF a debit has been dishonoured, you will be required to make up that payment within the same week, or enrolment will be suspended the following week. We are having a number if issues with payments being missed and accounts not being the required week ahead. This is an enrolment agreement and processes will be followed if payments are not being made. So please to avoid suspension of care, ensure that you are checking your statements and ensure that you have the correct funds available. If you are struggling and need to make a payment plan, please see Glenda we are only too happy to help where we can.

Statements can be confusing to read so included here is a quick guide on how to read your statements.

Included below is some information from our software provider on how to read your statement. As well as a snippet from a statement that highlights how you can read your payments on there.

**If you need further assistance/explanation with being able to read and understand your statements - please see Glenda**

​If and when your child is absent

​When your child is going to be away from the centre - it would be greatly appreciated if you could either call (3423 8663) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),the centre to let educators know of their absence.

This is vital to the planning of our staffing for the day, too often educators are having to contact parents daily to see if their child will be coming in. If you could please take a few minutes of your time to let the centre know it would be a great help.

It is recommended that children arrive at the centre before 9am, this ensures that we are receiving children during a common drop off time 6:15am-9:00am, and then allows educators to then be able to move on to the next phase of the day with the children. And for those going to school it is a great way to get them used to getting up and being in a routine to get to school on time. 

On a side note - if your child is sick, the best place for them to be is at home. If you have had to give your child panadol/nurofen before coming, then they are probably best at home.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

 The Centre  turns 8

Footprints first opened its doors to enrolments on Monday 24th August, 2009. It has been 8 very busy and fulfilling years. We have had the pleasure of getting to know so many wonderful families and care and educate for so many awesome children. It has been a pleasure and a privilege. We, educators are so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful community - the Footprints Family. 

Each child and parent that has come through our doors has left a little Footprint in our hearts and memories and we hope that we can do and have done the same for everyone.

Happy 8th Birthday to the centre - hip hip hooray !

​With a smile 
