By Glenda Ellis | Footprints on Monday, 10 December 2018
Category: Footprints Sunnybank

Footprints Sunnybank | December 2018 news

​It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ....

​It is now that time of year, where we share our last newsletter of the year with you all. What a wonderful 2018 we have all shared together. We have welcomed so many new families into our Footprints family and look forward to sharing many more memories with you all in 2019. 

To our graduates, we wish you all the very best in your new adventure - school. We are so very proud of you all and cannot wait to see photos of you in your school uniforms.

On Friday 7th of December, we celebrated our Centre Christmas party. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces and we really enjoyed hosting everyone that came. A big thank you to all that came and we hope you had an amazing time !

Firstly our party kicked off with a performance from Itty Bitty stars performing their Christmas Wonderland show ... complete with snow at the end !! What an amazing finish to an amazing performance.

Then we were surprised with a lovely pre-recorded performance of musical talent by the Nursery children. So cute and well done Nursery.

​We then got to snack on some afternoon tea - some of the goodies were made by each of the rooms, Kindergarten made gingerbread, Nursery made cup cakes, Junior Kindy made White Christmas, Senior Kindy made Rudolph biscuits and Toddlers made Honey Bubble Slice.  We hope you all enjoyed sampling the yummy treats the children helped to prepare for you all. They had a ball making them and were so excited as they knew these yummy treats were being shared at the Christmas party.

We then drew the selfie with the centre Elfie competition ... It was amazing to announce that we had 140 entries into this competition, that is 140 photos were tagged to our Footprints Parents page. It was absolutely lovely to be here and see the children always so keen to look around and find Elfie, it will be a bit quiet now with Elfie on semi-retirement .... (SHHHH - I want to let you in on a little secret, I hear Elfie is going on an adventure soon, stay tuned for photos).

We had two prizes to give in the competition. Prize one was won by Justin and he got to take home his very own Elfie. 

Prize two was won by Maia and she got to take home a book about going on an Elf chase.

We hope you enjoy your prizes Justin and Maia.

Thank you again to everybody who participated in this competition, it was such a wonderful Footprints community event, we look forward to holding another one in the near future.

After announcing our Elfie winner, we began to draw the raffles, we had 13 prizes in total and a BIG thank you must go to the Footprints Educators who all donated the prizes for our raffle. 

We hope everyone who was lucky enough to win enjoys their prizes.

Whilst the raffles were being drawn and the food was being eaten, we had some games set up to keep the fun going ... we had twister, musical chairs and Reindeer ring toss. It was good to see everyone having fun. Great aim work Danny, Nikita and Cruz, you got Miss Dana's antlers real good.

It wouldn't be a party without face painting ... a big thank you to Miss Shelly for sharing her wonderful face painting skills. She did some amazing Christmas face painting. A favourite was her Rudolph face. Isn't Miss Shelly just clever ! Check out Jacob getting his cheeks squished as they are made Rudolph rosy.

We hope the kids all enjoyed their Christmas wrist bands and presents from Santa and that the parents liked their Santa hats and most importantly - we hope that everyone enjoyed their afternoon.

A big thank you once again to all the families who attended, we love and appreciate your support.

More photos are available to see on our Footprints Parents page.

One last thing before I close off the final newsletter for 2018, a few parents have heard that we had a NERF party for our Staff Christmas Party this year, and have asked to see photos ... here is one for you all.

Thank you once again for all your amazing support over 2018. We look forward to having an even more amazing 2019 - our 10th birthday year.

Merry Christmas to all, we hope you enjoy your time with your families and that you all keep safe during this holiday period. We wish you all the best for 2019.

Till next year,

With a smile :-)
