Upcoming dates to remember:

Thursday 6th April, 2023 Easter Show 10:30am
Friday 7th April, 2023 Centre Closed - Public Holiday
Monday 10th April, 2023Centre Closed - Public Holiday
Monday 24th April, 2023Centre Anzac Ceremony 10:00am
Tuesday 25th April, 2023 Centre Closed - Public Holiday

If your child is going to be absent:

As we are coming into the school holidays and upcoming public holidays we notice the absences tend to climb. With XAP you can now mark your child absent (even in advance) to let us know they are not going to be here. Please see link below for a video on how to do this. You can mark this at anytime and it lets us know that your child will be away and we wont have to annoy you with a phone call to see if your child is coming in. It really is a handy tool with XAP and we really encourage families to embrace using this - thank you to all those that are using it, it really helps us with our planning of the day.

Marking your Child Absent | fleeq.io

Cough and cold medication - friendly reminder

An email has been sent out to families recently as a reminder, I would like to add this info here as a reminder -

In relation to cough and cold medications and how we can administer them here at the centre (before we get into the colder seasons).

As per TGA requirements, we are not able to administer the cough or cold medication unless the pharmacy label has the doctor's information on it - meaning it has been prescribed. Please be advised if the medication is not meeting requirements we will not be able to give it to your child. Please see screenshot from our medications policy attached.

If you have any questions in regards to this - please do not hesitate to ask. 

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding with this. 

Sharing is caring...

Over the past month, our rooms have been busy with their various projects. Have you seen them and what they have been doing ?

Toddlers - growing seeds (Plant a flower day)

Junior Kindy - Making their harmony wall (Harmony day) 

Kindergarten - Worm farm - worm juice community sharing

Whole centre - Holi colour fun (Holi)

Before we finish our newsletter for the month off, all the educators here at Footprints Sunnybank would love to wish everyone a very happy and safe Easter.

Till next month,

With a smile 😊
