By Glenda Ellis | Footprints on Tuesday, 09 May 2017
Category: Footprints Sunnybank

Footprints Sunnybank | May 2017 Newsletter

From the Office:​

Dates to remember:

​MAY  2017
​Monday 1st ​Centre Closed - Labor Day Public Holiday
​Friday 12th ​Mother's morning activities and lunch 10am - 12:00pm
​Thursday 25th​Jeff Carter - Indigenous Show 9:30am $10 per child
JUNE 2017
​Monday 5th​World Environment Day (activities TBA)

Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of our new look newsletter. 

By now you would all be aware that we also have a Facebook page. 

These two new easy to access information sites have been designed for regular and quicker updates for all. 

Please feel free to share any feedback that you may have about these new information sources.

                Itty Bitty Stars visit - We became stars

The centre enjoyed a visit from Itty Bitty stars where the children enjoyed learning about safety, at the end of the visit Miss Bec invited the children to participate in making a video with her. The children got to choose out of a box an activity that the video would be about and they drew out an activity called 'My Little P.T.'. if you would like to see this video head on over to our Facebook page.

                                With a smile 


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From the Nursery

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all had a great Easter with your family and friends, also hope you enjoy the children's bunny we thought they were so cute and hope you do too.

For the last two months, it ha been fantastic to see the children have been developing their skills greatly. They have just been amazing with challenging themselves and growing more and more.

We also would like to welcome Kyron to our room, as he has just started with us recently, we are looking forward to getting know him and it has been wonderful to see the children be so welcoming of him.

Our aim for the children is for them to be feeling comfortable and learning in the way where they can be comfortable to learn, not only that there have been occasions where the children have been teaching us a thing or two - how clever are they all.

For the children that are  over 1 year of age in our class, our aim is to have the children to transition from their current routines to the Toddler routine as it's helping them to prepare for the time when they will be moving up to the Toddler  room. This helps the children to feel that they are adapting smoothly and nothing is rushed and unfamiliar. We will be flexible with the children if they are tired or hungry we will still allow them to go to sleep or eat earlier and just keep working towards the transition. 

If you have any question or worries about the routines and please come see Miss Hayley or Miss Sharon we will be happy to explain or discus this change with you.

We are hope that we are doing everything you need for us to do and perhaps even more? If you have any ideas or you want your child to try something different, please come and see us and let us know.


Miss Hayley & Miss Sharon.

From the Toddlers

Hello and welcome to our new families Daivik and Daniel, to the Toddler room 2017

The past two months have been a busy time with mainly only having one educator in the room - we currently have a small group so it has been nice to spend some time with the children in this small group while we can. We are slowly gaining more new friends to join us and it wont be long before we have some Nursery children come to join us as well.   The children enjoyed the recent Easter festivities, prepping their  Easter baskets to take home to share with family and friends their gifts & achievements. It was great to see our friends and families come and join the EASTER SHOW for the afternoon before enjoying a long weekend off. It was an awesome afternoon where families were able to participate in and enjoy activities with the children. Thank you to those who were able to come.

After Easter we did a little learning about Anzac Day, as much as we could - we really enjoyed creating poppies out of our hand prints to help pay our respects and remember those who have been brave to fight for our country.

In our room we have started a new strategy to come up with a way to decorate our room and now for each child, they have their own area in the room with their artwork to be displayed and also if you have any family pictures, photos drawings from home you would like to add and place on there to make their space on the wall more creative and make it feel special for your child, please do so.

We are now looking forward to spending our Mother's Day event on Friday 12th May 2017 with our Mums, Grandmother's, Aunties and New Mums 😊

Just a reminder to all our parents, to please make sure to label all your child's belongings and make sure you pack lots of warm clothing, its now getting colder and we don't want any of our friends to get sick in the cold season and please ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BRING A HAT. SHOES, SOCKS & A WATER BOTTLE! Thank you 😊

Miss Ria and Miss Gurpal

From Pre-Kindy

Hello to all and wow it is already nearly half the year gone, where does time go one has to ask?

The children been learning so far, and will continue learning, is their numbers, letter and colour recognition skills . As the children slowly are picking up these things they will also begin learning about shapes. The children are really showing how much they enjoy what is being taught to them, as they are now role-playing it themselves. 

With toilet time the children are going very well, but we do need to ask parents to please remember to pack children spare clothes as they do sometime have accidents. 

 This month the children had a ball with the safety show where they learned about stranger danger and the safety of crossing the road. 

We would like to also thank parents who had participated in the Easter afternoon tea, the children really enjoyed that. 

We would also like to extend a big welcome to our new friend that has joined the room for the year, Liana and to her family also.

Friendly reminder to all parents please remember to pack your children when they come to the centre - their sheets, spare clothes, hat and drink bottle we thank parents for your co-operation and if any parents have any concerns please feel free to speak to Miss Catherine or Miss Bernadette.

Till next time

Miss Catherine and Miss Bernadette

From Kindergarten One

Hi everyone welcome again from the Kindergarten 1 room to all the families and children.

The children have settled into their routines in this room and are familiar with their teachers . 

We would love to say welcome to our new friend Dhiya and her family to our room. 

Children and educators were celebrating Easter last month and together with the educators enjoyed making  their gifts . The children enjoyed all the arts and craft activities that were scheduled for Easter and really enjoyed the Easter egg hunt games played as well (this was their favourite). The Afternoon tea with parents that was held just before the Easter long weekend was great and it was good to see all the children enjoying their time with the families - so many smiles.

We did remember our Soldiers and the activities that were planned to help the children learn about Anzac Day and why we take time to appreciate and remember. The children loved to make soldiers with card board, as well were very interested to make ANZAC day Wreath with their hand prints. We also got a chance to watch ITTY BITTY STARS show in our centre with Miss Bec. She was as always, so awesome and she made a video and put it on her Facebook with our respected staff members and lovely children. What an exciting time that was.

We would love to give a quick reminder to parents about to putting extra clothes in the children's bag and please make sure children have some warm clothes in their bags too , because the weather is getting colder now. 

We would love for families to please bring in their family photos, thank you to those who have already brought theirs in, to those who have yet to, if you haven't got time to print them please email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Glenda will forward them onto us to print for you. If this could be done as soon as possible, we can then complete our family tree. 

Keep smiling.

Miss Amandeep and Miss Alison

From Kindergarten Two

Welcome to another month here in the K2 room .

Throughout the month of April we have learned about ANZAC Day. This has got the children to think about what has happened in the past and why they are here today. The K2 room held our own parade where we were able to show respect to those who have fallen. The children were able to say The Ode and we are proud to say that they children were able to give a minutes silence while The Last Post was played.

 We also have made our mother's day presents so that they are ready to start getting taken home. We hope that you love them as they have came from the hearts of the children that are within the K2 room.

We ask that you are remember to bring a hat, drink bottle and spare clothes for your children through out the days that they are here. We ask if you are able to bring sunscreen so that the children have some on in both the mornings and the afternoon when we are going outside.

We were also interested and enjoyed looking at how many of our friends would fit in a long neck dinosaur's foot print. The children worked out that with them standing in the foot print themselves it would fit 16 children. The children then took off their shoes and place them within the dinosaur footprint and worked out that it takes 42 shoes to fill up the foot print. Clever work K2!

Thank you to Darius, Devlyn, Jack and Karanveer with dressing up for our May the 4th star wars dress up day. Great work guys you looked awesome. We even had batman join the dark side.

Take Care,

Miss Sinead and Miss Sharney