Dates to remember - upcoming events:

Thursday 18th October 10:30am - Itty Bitty Stars 'Pixel Town Road & Traffic Safety Show', see your family pockets for more info. 

Wednesday 31st October - Halloween Dress Up day

Tuesday 6th of November - Kindergarten graduation and Christmas photo shoot, payment envelopes are in your family pockets for payment and order. Payments must be received by Monday 5th of November.

Wednesday 7th November - Diwali Celebrations

SAVE THE DATE - Centre Christmas Party 7th December from 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter. Can you believe it is October already, seeing the Christmas things at the shops is a reminder that we are nearly at the end of another year and that we are beginning to gear up for the end of year festivities and prepare everything for 2019.

 Preparing for 2019

By now you would have received 2 emails and perhaps seen our Facebook post about your 2019 re-enrolment forms. I cannot stress to you how important it is to fill out this paperwork and return it back to the centre ASAP.

In doing this, it gives you peace of mind that you have secured your spot and preferred days for 2019. It also helps you to think about the holiday period and if you are taking holidays to advise us of the dates as well as if you wish to take advantage of the reduced holiday rates, we need to organise this for you.

For those children who will be leaving us to head off to Prep in 2019, we need to know your end date so that we do not charge you unnecessarily. Please ensure you are advising us of this date on your form. We are happy to have the children here right up until they start school if you need care, please remember to fill in the end date.

Thank you to those families who have returned their forms already. 

 Warmer months are coming - clothing awareness

 Now that the weather is beginning to warm back up again,  summer clothes will be making a reappearance. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that we encourage sleeved T-shirt's to be worn, no singlets, tank tops or string sleeve dresses (can be worn with a t-shirt underneath to cover back and shoulders) as this leaves more skin open to the sun. We like to keep the children protected as much as we can.

Refer to paragraph in parent handbook .... 'To prevent sunburn, we advise NOT to send your child in tank tops, singlets or shoe string dresses, but to provide clothing that has a back and sleeves to ensure protection'

Please see included pictures for examples of what not to have your children wear and suggestions of what they can wear. If you have any concerns, please see a staff member we will be happy to discuss this with you.

When your child is absent

When your child is absent from the centre, it is appreciated if you could either call the centre on 07 3423 8663 or email   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to advise staff that your child will not be coming, it assists us in the planning of our staffing for the day as we are a ratio based industry, we need to ensure the staffing is correct at all times. This will also mean we will not have to interrupt you with a phone call to find out if your child is coming. This will get you into the habit of when your child attends school as they require to be notified when your child is absent. Thank you in advance for your co-operation with this matter.

 Medication Alert

A reminder to our families that medications for your children are NOT to be left in your child's bag. Our medication procedure needs to be followed for the safety of all children and correct administration. Medications are to be given to the staff and parents are asked to please fill out your child's medication record so that we can administer the required medication to your child. We are having incidents of finding medication in children's bags when we are looking for other things and this as you can agree is dangerous if a child gets a hold of that medication. 

                                                                 PLEASE ensure you are giving the medication to a staff member upon arrival. 

Late afternoon snacks 

As there is confusion as to what is a healthy snack to pack for your child's late afternoon tea. We have decided to ask that parents only bring in either:

- a piece of fruit (actual fruit, not fruit jellies etc)

- cheese

- yoghurt (vanilla or fruit, no chocolate ones)

Anything else will be sent back home. I hope you can understand that we are happy to give your child the late afternoon tea if you require, but please only bring in any one of or combination of the three listed items.

 Till next month, have a happy and safe month from all of us here at Footprints Sunnybank.