By Glenda Ellis | Footprints on Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Category: Footprints Sunnybank

Footprints Sunnybank | September 2019 Newsletter

From the office: IMPORTANT ! Please read !

 Hi everyone, this months newsletter edition will be from the classrooms, however before reading on ... I need to stress the importance to families to ensure that they are closing the front door, making sure it is shut. This is for the safety of all the children in the centre. Please also encourage your children to not push or pull on the door as this affects the doors ability to self close.

Please be aware that we do not encourage children to climb on the chairs to press the door button to unlock the door. The button was placed at that height for adults only use. This again is for safety reasons:

1 - We do not wish to see children fall and hurt themselves

2 - We do not wish to see children being encouraged to see that it is OK to unlock the door. Children at times run ahead of their parents and press the button, they could be allowing a stranger to enter the building, or letting a child out.

I cannot stress the importance of working with this information provided. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

With a smile :-)


From the Nursery: 


Welcome back to the Nursery for our latest newsletter.

It has been quiet in the Nursery over the last couple of months with only Yuna and Yulia in the room with Miss Sally. We have been spending some time interacting with the Toddler children, building on our emerging social skills as we explore and play. The Toddlers have shared some of their planned experiences with us and we look forward to extending on these according to our developmental capabilities.

We welcome Jamie to the Nursery and look forward to getting to know him as he settles into the room. We also look forward to welcoming Millie who will be joining us, as we have enjoyed her visits to get to know us and her new environment.

Our focus this month:

We are continuing exploring our gross motor skills, as Yuna and Yulia have both started walking. I will focus on assisting them develop balance, coordination and especially confidence.

Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain's pathways, which leads to the child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks. Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interactions so we will be exploring textures and sounds in a variety of ways in the room, in the coming weeks. Each day you can hear wonderful sounds coming from our room, as we explore the musical instruments anything else that makes sound.

 Friendly Reminders

Please, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, I will always make time to be available for conversation. I ask that if there is any change to your child's routine, foods or other important information, please let me know so that I can maintain the same routine as home in order to maintain consistency for your child​.

Miss Sally 

From the Toddlers: 

 With the year flying by and the children quickly growing it is hard to believe how fast the Toddlers have grown and developed.

Over the past two months we have welcomed three new families into the Toddler room. Welcome Orlando (Ollie), Jayveer (Jay) and Elijah. It has been great getting to know our new friends, helping them to establish friendships and connections within the room as well and witnessing their personalities and interests develop within their new environment.

Over the past few months the interests in the Toddler room have been changing regularly. At the moment we are focusing on numbers/counting, letters, colours, our developing vocabulary and there has also been interest in beginning toileting.

The current song of interest in the Toddler room, with regular requests across the day, is what we now call the "apple song" (Jolly Phonics), we love singing "a is for apple, a a apple", using our letter posters and cards to expand our knowledge of words that begin with these sounds. Another favourite song is "Baby shark", the children have been working hard on their fine motor skills to go along with the song, using their memory to complete the actions in the order to fit in with the song.

Building has also been a big interest with various forms of building being introduced to help expand building skills. Over the past week the children in Toddlers have begun to mix building materials to further extend their own interests and building skills.

With so many interests coming to light in the past few months, wonder where these will extend over the next few weeks.

With the weather being up and down latterly please be sure to pack spare clothing to accommodate all weathers, this way clothing can be changed to meet temperatures.

If you wish to bring in birthday cakes for any up coming birthdays please be sure to provide packaging of store-bought items or a list of ingredients  for any homemade items.

Until next time,

Miss Bernadette and Miss Alison

From Junior Kindy: 

 Hello everyone,

Welcome to September's newsletter, how are you all? Hope everyone is doing great as we are here in the junior kindy room. Firstly we would like to welcome Aden and Mathew to the junior kindy room and their families to our Footprints family. I can hardly believe we are halfway through the year, but remember we have many fun filled days ahead.

Recently we celebrated the center turning 10 years 'old'. A big thanks to all the parents who made their way here to help us to celebrate this beautiful occasion.We really appreciated seeing you all here and helping to make this celebration a wonderful one.

Pyjama Day, on that day, the children were playing and lazing around in their cozy Pyjamas, and we also collected a gold coin each on Pyjama day to help and support a foundation for foster children and we also hope everyone had great family time for fathers day, celebrating with all your loved ones. We hope everyone liked their fathers day presents.

Miss Sinead has joined us in the junior kindy room, as our inclusion support educator. We love having her and her assistance in the room, helping to make sure all children are involved and have equal access to our program.

We are continuing to learn about shapes, numbers, colours and letters in our everyday group time session and have also been practicing our Auslan sign communications which Miss Dana has been teaching the children on a daily basis.

Art and craft are the children's favourite kind of activities. We have organised different art activities for the children to experience every week. We also love to ask the children what colours they want to explore each week, listening to the children's voice makes them feel a sense of belonging and establishes and maintains respectful, trusting relationships with other children and educators.

Puzzling is also a fun activity for the children, it's a great way to create a fun learning opportunity for children; it helps develop their finger strength/grips, perseverance and problem solving skills.

Just a friendly reminder as the weather is warming up, please send your children with a spare set of light clothes and also few spare undies - which we can change them into if they have accidents during the day. Please remember to label your child's belongings so that if something goes missing, we can return the item to the rightful owner.

Until next time,

Miss Rupa and Miss Dana and Miss Sinead.

From Senior Kindy: 

 Hi to all,

It has been a fun year in the Senior kindy room so far, not far now till the Christmas holidays.

So far, our friends have had fun celebrating the centre 10 year anniversary and we would like to thank all the parents for coming. We have also had fun celebrating a few of our friends' birthdays this month and enjoyed having little parties for them as they happen.

Welcome to our new friends that have moved up to the Senior Kindy room from the Junior Kindy room, Liam and Paul.

Our friends have also had fun making their dad's a special Father's Day presents too. We hope you liked them.

Our friends in the Senior Kindy room have still been focusing on practicing writing their names and numbers, as well as recognition of their shapes to help get them ready for when they go to school. We have also had a few discussions about bullying and how to be nice to our friends.

For the rest of the year we will continue practicing our writing and spelling of our names to help get our friends be ready for when they go to school.

Thank you to all parents for their co-operation and we would like to also ask a friendly reminder to all parents that as the weather is changing to please pack spare clothes and please make sure they have their sheets, hats and drink bottles each and every day that they attend.

Thank you

Till Next time

Miss Catherine & Miss Gurpal 😊 

From the Kindergarten: 

 Wow! We can't believe we are already in September, where has the year has gone?

The beginning of financial year in July we began  discussions with children about their personal hygiene and hand washing. The children were learning how to use soap and water properly and effectively for washing their hands, before and after mealtimes and after using the toilet.

We said welcome to Miss Aman our new ECT as well.

We have enjoyed learning our names and numbers with tracing the letters and practicing writing our names. The Kindergarten children are showing their interest in this activity and are very excited about going to school.

We celebrated Father's Day with the children and made very beautiful presents for their dads. All the children were very excited and were happy to be making beautiful presents for their fathers by themselves.

We celebrated Ayaan's birthday in June and Chayse's birthday as well as he turned 5 in August. Everyone was very happy and celebrating by singing songs and clapping and wishing them a happy birthday.

A very big congrats to our Footprints centre for turning 10 years old. We celebrated the centres birthday party in August as well and we would like to say a big thanks to all the families who gave us their time and joined us for the afternoon. We enjoyed your company and it was good to see all the old families come back and say hi again. It was more fun to find all the educators in their childhood pictures, guessing who they are and then finding them the answers at the party. What fun we had with that.

We celebrated educator's day in September and would like to say thanks to all the children and families for their time to say thanks to the educators. All the educators loved it and were feeling very happy.

Miss Aman had a surgery and she will be away for 6 weeks, until she comes back Miss Amandeep, Miss Lily, Miss Alison and Miss Gurpal will be in the room. We hope Miss Aman has a speedy recovery and we can't wait to see her back here.

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate, please contact Miss Amandeep.

A little reminder for all the families, please do not forget to pack extra clothes, water bottle and hats in your children's bags, as it is getting warm now and if your child does not have a hat, they won't be able to play outdoors. If your child does not have sunscreen, please bring one in as soon as possible. Please check with the educators to see if your child needs a top up of sunscreen as well.

Thanks Miss Amandeep and Miss Lily

Thank you for reading !