By Glenda Ellis | Footprints on Thursday, 01 July 2021
Category: Footprints Sunnybank


 Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. A BIG welcome to all our new families that have started over the last month, we are so excited to have you all join our Footprints family. We hope you enjoy being a part of our centre as much as we do ❤

Dates to remember: 

​Dates ​Event
​4-11 July 2021 ​NAIDOC week, each class will celebrate with a variety of activities
​Thursday 8th July ​Showtime Stars NAIDOC show 10:30am
Monday 12th JulyCCS resets for the new financial year
Friday 23rd JulyPyjama Day​
​Wednesday 4th August​National ATSI Day, celebrate your culture 
​Thursday 26th and Friday 27th August​Class/Individual Photos


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate the everchanging needs for COVID/lockdowns/masks. We try our best to keep the centre safe so that we are here for you when you need us. As each phase happens we are thankful for the support, understanding and co-operation of all our educators and families - working together in what we need to do to ensure we all stay safe.#covidlife 

The centre now has a QR code to register when you are here at the centre, in the effort of keeping everyone safe, it is encouraged that you sign in when dropping off/picking up your children using the QR code. If you haven't already you need to download the 'Check in QLD' app. #workinghardtokeepeveryonesafe


Please remember that the CCS for the 2021/2022 financial year resets on Monday 12th July. Until then if you are past your allowable absences, please bring in a medical certificate if your child is absent, otherwise full fees will be payable until the allowable absence count resets. 


We have been approved to go ahead and undertake our refurbishment. Working with the contractors at the moment to lock in a start date, it has been pushed back a little with this lockdown, however, as soon as we have a start date locked in, I will let you know. And keep you posted as to what stage is happening, what you will find will happen in that stage and when. So exciting ! A brand new looking Footprints is coming your way. 

 Bread bag recycle program

Did you know that the centre has a recycle your bread bags program. As you know with children they at times can have toileting accidents. For the soiled items (the clothes that are affected by these accidents), we use bread bags (when available to us) to send the soiled items home. A little bit to help with sustainabilty. There is a box near the charity bin where you can place your bread bags, please think of us when you finish your loaf of bread, pop the bread bag aside and drop it in the box, it is a great help to us to have these accessible for sending soiled items home.

Rackley Swim School - Runcorn visit 

 Thank you to Jane and Michael from Rackley Swim School for coming out to have a chat about water safety. We learnt many important tips about water safety.

- only go in the water with an adult around to supervise

- if there is a gate/fence don't pass it without an adult

- don't climb fencing

- when helping to rescue someone from the water don't stand at the edge, you might get pulled in too, instead lie down

- reasoning and where to wear a life jacket

We also enjoyed practicing rescuing our friends from the water with either a pool noodle or a kick board

Each child (from Senior Kindy and Kindergarten) was also handed an activity page which entitled them to a free swim class at the Rackley Runcorn pool. Thank you for this opportunity.

Water safety is an important topic to cover often with young children, this can be done through reading stories, watching videos, physical education (e.g. swim classes, around the pool)

Till next month, stay safe.

With a smile 😊
