By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

February News


Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The end of February is fast approaching, Easter will be here before we know it. To those of you that have recently joined our wonderful Centre, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us! Please be sure to follow the link to our Educa site so that you can see how our day at Jellybeans runs. The Centre also has a Centre Facebook Page that gets updated regularly with photos of the children enjoying their day. 

I would just like to touch base on the importance of ensuring you use the KIOSK to sign your child in and out daily. It is a government requirement that children are signed in and out daily. If you have forgotten your pin, I can easily rest this. 

If your Direct Debit fails for any reason a payment will need to be made at drop off prior to your child staying. Please ensure that the Bank details we have on file are kept up to date at all times. If your details have changed a new Direct Debit Form will need to be filled out and signed. These are available from the office. 

Birthdays are a huge milestone for everyone and we love being able to celebrate these days with your children. Please feel free to bring in a cake for your child to share with their friends on their special day. If you have any questions in regards to what is acceptable and what isn't please have a chat with your child's room Educators, they will be able to let you know if there are any allergies or food intolerances you may need to be wary of. Cupcakes are a huge hit! 

Thie year we would love to incorporate more cultural experiences into our daily programme. To further enhance our understanding of different cultures we need your input! Would you have the time to come in and share a cultural cooking experience with your child's room or would you like to read a story or sing songs? If this is you please let us know so we can organize a suitable time so we can all enjoy this experience. 

Our QIP is currently being reviewed and revised and I am looking for ways that our families can contribute more easily. Do you find emails, newsletters or surveys more effective as this would assist in how we get input from our families? Our Educators are currently reviewing Quality Area 2 - Each Child's Health and Physical Activity is Supported and Promoted. 

How do you feel the service meets this standard? Do you feel there is improvement required or do you feel Jellybeans exceeds the standard? Feedback from our families is vital and helps us improve the service being offered. Please feel free to pop through and email with your feedback - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

As we are a very multicultural service I often question do our families understand what our QIP is. It is a live document that is used to review and revise the different Quality Standards and how our service meets these. It is readily available for anyone to pursue at any time if you are keen to have a browse please let me know. 


Educator News! 

​We would like to extend a big congratulations to Miss Pam and her husband on the safe arrival of their baby daughter. She arrived safely on the 12th of February. We can't wait to meet her. 

In other big news, Miss Stephanie and her husband have announced they are expecting their own little bundle of joy later this year! Exciting times ahead!

Please join me in extending warm Birthday wishes to the following Educators as they celebrate their Birthday's this month: Miss Nittaya, Miss Julie and Miss Nat. Happy Birthday, Ladies we certainly hope that you have a wonderful day!

Do you know the signs? 

​We will be having a Parent Carer Information Night on the 10th March at 6 pm. Annie Park from True Relationships and Reproductive Health will be presenting a presentation on Child Protection. This presentation is a follow on from the presentation our Centre Educators recently attended. If you are interested in attending please RSVP before the 2nd March. Over the next week, the Pre-school Room will be focusing the daily programmed activities around Child Protection - Taking relevant Information from the training that was delivered and implementing it into the daily program. Activities may include: Reading Books, Drawing pictures about who makes us feel safe, Group Discussions on Personal Safety and that we have the right to say no. If you as a parent or carer have any input in ways this topic can be extended on please feel free to let us know. 

Extra Curricular Activities! 

Tuesday - Happy Feet 

Wednesday - Young Sports  

Nursery News! 

Hello and a big welcome to our first newsletter for Nursery One!!

Wow! What a busy start to the year. We would like to welcome our new friends Alex, Aria, Dalton, Ella, Francisco, Layla and Lily who have joined us in January and February. We are thrilled to walk this amazing and meaningful learning journey together.

We would like to say a big happy birthday to Dalton and Layla.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing on settling our group into a routine while also building and nurturing relationships and friendships with educators and our little friends. We are very pleased to say that the children have settled in very well and became familiar with the routines.

Our babies are all looking magnificent and are growing up very quickly, and we can notice the differences every day.

To celebrate Valentine's day during the art and craft times the little children created many wonderful things such as Sponge Heart Painting and Collage Heart as well as had many other activities for sensory play with rice and play dough.

Over the next few weeks, we will also be teaching the little children about self- help skills, health, and hygiene.

If you any questions or would like to have any input into our program or regarding your child and their progress, please don't hesitate to discuss this with our friendly staff.

Finally, we would like to remind you to name all your child's belongings and pack spare clothes. 

Thanks for entrusting your little ones to our care,

Miss Jasmine and Miss Ruby

Are you in need of Help!

In light of the recent tragic events that have been shared across the media, I would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that there is help out there. 

Domestic violence is not always physical. It can be verbal, emotional, financial, social, psychological, digital, sexual, spiritual or cultural, or it could involve stalking, as well as damage to personal property. Domestic violence occurs when someone in an intimate relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife) or an ex-partner, uses fear to control the other person.

Mensline - 1800 600 636

Womensline - 1800 811 811