By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

February News

Welcome to our February Edition

Firstly we would like to take the opportunity to say a big hello to all of our new families that have recently joined the Jellybean Family. We hope that you all enjoy your time here at the Centre. Here at Jellybeans we strive daily to help your child create beautiful memories that hopefully they will look back on in years to come.  

Toddler Rooms

From everyone in the Toddler Rooms we would like to extend a warm welcome to you all. We certainly hope that you are all enjoying your time with us. As you can see from our gallery of photos we have been really busy over the past few weeks. The children have all enjoyed participating in the various art and craft activities that Miss Sharon and Miss Maree have programmed for us. We have enjoyed some outside play however over the past week our time outside has been minimal due to the extreme heat with have been experiencing. Hopefully the weather will cool down over the coming days so we can venture outside again. 

Miss Sharon, Miss Sien, Miss Maree, Miss Carly 

National Pancake Day.......13th February

Across the Centre the children enjoyed cooking up a storm and celebrating National Pancake Day. Everyone was very eager to help stir the mixture and sit back and watch the bubbles appear.........We knew the Pancakes where ready to eat when those bubbles appeared! 

Medical Conditions

If your child suffers from Anaphylaxis  or Asthma now is the time to update your child's Action Plan. These Action Plans need to have the correct documentation attached to each plan, therefore it will be necessary for you to make an appointment with your family Doctor to get the Action Plan updated. If your emergency contact details have changed please see Cindy immediately. These Action Plan are displayed in your child's room, in the staff room and placed in your child's individual file.