
​Hello and welcome to our first edition of Jellybean News for 2020! We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your family and friends. Who can believe that we are already nearing the end of January, where has the start of the year gone? Our Pre-School children are in the final countdown before they start the next stage of their Educational journey, Prep. We would like to say a big thank you to each and every one of our families for allowing us to be a part of your child's educational journey and we wish them all the best on their next big adventure. 

Over the past few weeks we have welcomed new families to our Centre, we certainly hope that you guys enjoy your time with us. 

For those of you that may be looking at taking on extra days, now is the time to think seriously about it. We have a few vacancies across the Centre however they won't stay vacant for long. If you are looking for an extra Casual day here or there please let me know and if we can accommodate it we certainly will. 

If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to come and have a chat, here at Jellybeans we have an open-door policy and value any feedback our families offer. This feedback helps us improve the quality service we offer the community.


Educator News! 

2020 brings exciting news here at Jellybeans for some of our Educators. Miss Pam and Miss Hayley are both expecting their own bundles of joy this year. Both of these Educators will take time off to spend with their new arrivals. Miss Mila has happily accepted a contract to fill in for Miss Pam during her absence. Miss Shaileen will take over the role of Lead Educator in Toddler 1 while Miss Hayley is absent. 

Miss Margaret will be taking her Long Service Leave at the end of April for 3 months. We are currently in the process of replacing Miss Margaret. 

Centre Philosophy Review!

Centre Philosophy

Each year the Centre is required to review and revise their Centre Philosophy, to complete this task we need your assistance with reviewing and revising. Our Centre Philosophy is located in the foyer and in the Parent Handbook, please take the time to read over this and offer us any feedback you may have. I am looking at ways to condense it so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  

Medical Condition Update!  

Food Allergies

If your child suffers from a notifiable Medical Condition - Asthma, Anaphylaxis or Diabetes now is the time to review the Action Plans. 

Each family is required to supply an updated Action Plan before the 31st of January 2020. 

You are required by law to ensure that your child has their own Medication with them each day they attend the service, please ensure all medication is in date and not expired. 

All medication is required to have a chemist label attached with the following information on:

Child's Full Name, Medication Name, Dosage to be Administered, Prescribing Dr's Name, Date of Dispencing 

Asthma Puffers need to have a Chemist Label attached to the Chamber, not the plastic holder.

 If you need further clarification please feel free to come and have a chat.  

Menu Ideas! 

Menu Suggestions

 Over the next few weeks will be working with Miss Vicki to create a delicious new menu. Our plans are to incorporate different multicultural dishes that represent the different cultures of our service. If you have any suggestions or recipes you would like to share please let us know. Please keep in mind that the recipes need to be user-friendly and we have to take into consideration food allergies and food intolerances. 

Parent Suggestions for 2020!  

Parent Suggestions

Do you have any suggestions that you would like to put forward for 2020? Is there anything that you would like to see the Centre implement in 2020? We are always looking for ways to implement new ideas and create a new environment for our families to share, and the best way to do this is with input from our families. We look forward to receiving your feedback. 

Arrival Times! 


For your child to benefit from the entire Program you should aim to have them here at the Centre between 8.30am and 9am. This way they will get to participate in outdoor activities prior to transitioning inside for the day. 

Morning Tea is served daily at 9.30am.

On arrival and departure please ensure you use the KIOSK located in the foyer to sign your child in and out.  

Lunch Snap! 

Nicholas enjoying lunch

On Thursday Mr David made us a Chicken Enchilada Cake! It was delicious......If you are keen for a copy of the recipe please see the 4 Ingredient Website.