Welcome to Jellybeans!

Happy New Year!

Welcome to our very first Newsletter of the year! Who can believe it is the final day of January already! We hope that you all had a bright and festive Christmas and a wonderful New Year! 

To all of our New Families that are starting with us in 2023, we hope that you enjoy your time with us! Welcome to Jellybeans! 

Happy New Year to all of our Families that recently celebrated TET - Lunar New Year - The Year of the Cat!  

Fun Fact: Wrapping Banh Tet is also one of Vietnamese TET traditions which is extremely popular in the Southern Provinces and South Central Provinces of Vietnam. 

Educator News!

Well Done!

Congratulations to the Miss Steph and Miss Ha on their Anniversaries of Service. Miss Stephanie has completed 10 years while Miss Ha is not that far behind celebrating 7 years with Jellybeans! We thank you both for the tremendous hard work and commitment that you bring each and every day to Jellybeans! Congratulations to you both!  A special welcome back must be extended to Miss Carol who has recently returned to the Jellybean nest! Miss Carol will be assisting in the kitchen on a Monday, please stop by and say Hi! 


Session Times!

Session Times!

Just a quick reminder if you are booked on a set session time you need to ensure that your Child is dropped off and Picked up within the set time frame. If you arrive early or late a fee will be applied to your account.  

Kindy Room - Pre-School!

Meet & Greet!

We will be organising a Meet and Greet for our Families of the Pre-School Room in the coming Weeks! Miss Pedeta will chat about her goals for the Children for the coming year as well as Behaviour Expectations and School Readiness for 2024. It would be greatly appreciated to see all of our Pre-School Families attend.  


Happy Birthday!

We would like to wish the following Children and Educators a Very Happy Birthday, they have all celebrated their Birthdays in January! We hope that you all had a wonderful day celebrating with friends and family making wonderful memories that you will look back on in years to come!

Liam D, Alice M, Elias, Alena T, George

Miss Grace, Miss Tammy, Miss Tiffany  

Happy Birthday!


Statements are automatically issued every Monday Morning, please ensure that you are checking these to make sure that the pending payment is correct. In the event that it may be incorrect or you need further clarification please come and have a chat, alternatively send through an email and I will follow it up for you. In regards to payments, any that fail will require a payment being made when you drop your child off on their next day of attendance. 
Did you know that you can mark your child as absent if they are going to be away! It's as easy as logging into the App and marking them absent, the Centre will receive notification of their absence. Change of detail can all be made through the App as well - Bank Account Details, Mobile Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Authorised Pick ups......Fast and efficient!