By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Wednesday, 01 March 2017
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

March 2017 - Jellybean

Welcome to March's Edition of Jellybean News! 

Firstly, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families that have recently joined us. We are so excited to be part of your child's journey creating wonderful memories that will be remembered for years to come. 

Assessment and Rating Visit 

We are excited to announce we will have our Assessment and Rating Visit somewhere between the 5th April and the 3rd May 2017. The validator will be here at the service for about 4 days. Our QIP is due to be submitted on Wednesday 29th March, once this is received we will receive confirmation of the visit. This is a very exciting time for us as we are always looking for ways to improve the service we provide. In this newsletter we have added lots of information in regards to safety……..we hope you find the following topics relevant. 

Car Park & Car Safety

Please remember children are not to be left unattended in any vehicle at any time.

When bringing siblings into the Centre you must not leave any child unattended in the carpark.

Please remember children under the age of seven must be restrained using the correct seat designed for their age, weight and height and should not be sitting in the front seat of the vehicle.

The following sites can assist with installing your car seats correctly so that your precious cargo is kept safe while travelling.

Car Seat Fitting | Baby Bunting

Fitting a Child Restraint - Car Seat Anchor Points | RACQ

Child Restraint Checking

Safe Sleeping

  1. Sleep baby on their back from birth, not on tummy or side.
  2. Sleep baby with head and face uncovered.
  3. Keep baby smoke free before birth and after
  4. Provide a safe sleeping environment.
  5. Sleep baby in their own safe sleeping place in the same room as an adult care-giver for the first six to twelve months.
  6. Breastfeed baby

Fire Drills

Fire Drills are conducted monthly here at the Centre. Drills are carried out at spontaneous times throughout the day. 

If by chance you are inside the Centre when a drill is being carried out, please follow the Educators instructions and follow the Evacuation Procedure. Please do not enter the building while an evacuation is under way. 


As most of you are aware part of the National Quality Standards requires each Centre to provide sustainable practices. 

Here at Jellybeans we are practicing the following: 
  • Turning the fans and air conditioners in the rooms off prior to going outside in the afternoon. 
  • Recycling bins in the foyer for families to place goods that can be recycled within the Centre. 
  • Vegetable garden outside the Pre-school 1 Room, which is slowly but surely producing some fine produce that we hope to use in our Centre kitchen. 

Gates and Doors
As you move throughout the Centre I would like to remind you of the importance of closing doors and gates behind you. From feedback from the Educators it appears some parents are constantly leaving doors open and this poses a huge safety risk for the children.

This is a friendly reminder we are a NUT free Centre. Please do not send PEANUT BUTTER toast with your child for breakfast.

Please ensure that all Medication that you bring along for your child has a chemist label on it. The label needs to have the following information on it: Child's Name, Medication Name, Expiry Date, Dosage to be administered and frequency of dosage. Medication that does not have a clear legible label or that is expired will not be administered.

​Professional Development
Across the year, the Educators here at the Centre participate in various Professional Development Classes. Over the coming months, we are renewing our First Aid, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Fire Training and Child Protection Certificates. As I am in the process of sorting relevant Professional Development for our Educators, as parents is there something that may be relevant to you? We would only be too happy to seek outside agencies to come and chat with you guys. If there is something of interest, please let me know.

​Child Developmental Record's
We have our Parent Teacher Interviews booked for the 24th July 2017. Closer to the date I will organise a time sheet for each room. However, please remember if you are interested in viewing your Child's Developmental Record's sooner you are more than welcome too. Please let me know so I can organise a time that is convenient to the room Educator and yourself.

​Authorised Pickups
​Do you need to make amendments to who is authorised to collect your child? If this is the case, please ensure you fill out the enrolment Update Form that was placed in your child's pocket. If you would like to double check what we have on the system, please come and see either Margaret or myself.

Centre Philosophy
We made some relevant changes to the layout of our Centre Philosophy on the 21/02/17. From the feedback, I have received everyone appears happy with the new Centre Philosophy, which is great to hear. 

Our Menu is displayed on the foyer wall for our families to view. If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to share them with us. The Menu is designed to alter across the fortnight with five hot meals and five cold meals. If your child has any dietary requirements or food intolerance, please let us know. 

Are you receiving all correspondence from the Centre? Please check your email address at the office if you have not been receiving your statements and general emails from the office. 

Breakfast and Late Afternoon Tea
Breakfast here at the Centre will only be served until 7.30am. We are not able to serve breakfast after this time. We kindly ask that if you child arrives after 7.30am that they have breakfast before arriving at the Centre. The Centre does not provide breakfast, each family is required to bring their own. Late afternoon tea is only required if your child will be at the Centre from 5pm onward, this again is only an option not mandatory. Late afternoon tea needs to be something that is quick and easy not something that needs to be heated. Again, each family is to bring their own. 

Parent Communication Pockets
Please check these each day you attend the Centre. I have noticed a few are looking very full. Poison Information In the event of a poisoning incident contact the Poison Information Centre on 13 11 26. For more information in regards to poisonous plants please visit:

Each morning when you arrive please ensure your child has sunscreen applied. We have bottles throughout the Centre as w ell as a bottle in the foyer area for you to use. For sunscreen to be effective it needs to be applied at least 20 minutes prior to going outside. 

Hand washing is vital on arrival and departure to minimise the risk of germs spreading please encourage your child to use the bathrooms around the Centre to wash their hands. Alternatively, we have Hand Sanitiser in the foyer for you to use. 

Until next month,