By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

July News

Hello and Welcome 

​Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News. From our family to your family we hope that 2017 has brought you many and new exciting memories so far. Here at the Centre we are mindful of how fast the year is passing us by so we are endeavouring to help you create daily memories with your children while they are here at the Centre. Each day the Room Educators take numerous photos of the children participating in various and exciting activities and display them in their room for you to view. A great way to start a conversation about your child's day starts with these photos. 

Dates to Remember

7th August - Parent Teacher Interviews
16th August - Brisbane Exhibition Public Holiday
30th August - Water Safety Show with Gerty the Frog

Extra Days

In the event you may be looking for an extra day please keep in mind we have a few vacancies on a Monday and Friday across the Centre. These days are hard to fill as most Public Holidays fall on these days and some families like extra long weekends to spend with their children. If you by chase may need a casual one off spot please keep us in mind as well. Just give me a call and if we have the spot available it's yours. 

Pre-school 1 News

​It is unfortunate that Miss Carla has decided to reduce her working days here at the Centre due to her missing quality time with her little ones. Therefore we have proposed the following that works well for Miss Carla and for the continuity of care for the Pre-school 1 Room. Miss Carla will work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Zoe will step up with Miss Alena on the Monday and Friday. If you have any concerns with these arrangements please feel free to come and have a chat. Lastly Miss Zoe will be absent from the 28th August until the 8th September as she is completing her first round of prac. 

Pre-school 1 Yard

We are in the process of trying to get a fixed structure built in the Pre-school 1 yard, something that is bright and inviting. Do you know anyone that builds play equipment or a company that does? In the event that you may know someone please feel free to  pass on the Centre details so they can get in touch with me. 

Sustainability at Jellybean Childcare Centre

As most of you are aware the Educators had the opportunity to participate in Professional Development with Backyard in a Box. The Educators were educated on different sustainable practices that can be embedded into our daily curriculum that will help each child learn about sustainable practices. So the exciting news is we now have a worm farm, compost bin, vegetable gardens and water tanks......all which the children will have constant access to. Miss Cindy is eagerly redecorating the wall outside the Pre-school 1 Room with posters that relate to these various areas.

Pie Drive Order Forms

A big thank you to those families that have returned their order forms. If you still have an order and would like to place it please bring it in before Monday the 24th July. All orders that have been placed will be delivered to the Centre on 31st July 2017.

Centre Photos

The Centre Photos should be here early next week. Once they arrive you will be able to view them and purchase them if you wish. Unfortunately the photos are not permitted to leave the service unless they are paid for. Payment can be made by cash or credit card. Please see either Miss Margaret or myself if you wish to view your child's photo.