
Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The mornings are certainly a little bit chillier at the moment, bring back the warmer mornings I say! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined over the past few weeks, we hope that you are all settling in well and making wonderful new memories here at Jellybeans!  

As you can see, we have a lot going on at Jellybeans at the moment, new Educators starting and lots of community visitors. To assist with the RSCPA visit we are looking for either Gold Coin Donations or Brand-New Linen that can be made into a Hamper that we will be donated to the RSPCA on their visit - Towels or Blankets would be ideal. 

Just a few reminders for our Families that use our Service:  

If your Child is sick, please keep them at home, the best place for them when they are not feeling the best is with Mum and Dad. 

Keep an eye on your Emails for Daily updates - Please ensure that you have updated your details in XAP if you have changed anything.

Each Day your Child needs to be signed in and out using the KIOSK provided in the foyer. 

Breakfast finishes at 7.30am - No Nuts or Eggs allowed. 

Accounts are payable weekly by Direct Debit. 

Front Door Security - Please make sure the front door closes when you enter or depart. 


Please keep in mind that if your child requires Medication whilst here at the Centre, certain protocols have to be followed:

All Medication must have a Chemist Label attached which clearly outlines the following:

Child's Name, Name of Medication, Dosage Required, Expiry Date, Prescribing Doctor - This information will be collated against the completed Medication Chart that Parents fill in each day.  

Anaphylaxis and Asthma sufferers must have an ASCIA Action Plan completed by a Doctor and a Risk Management Plan completed in consultation with the Centre Manager. In the event that any of this is not complete your child will not be allowed to stay. 

Lipsy Loo!

Our Pre-School Children are all enjoying our new Educational Program Lipsy Loo. Each morning we watch an interactive session with Miss Pedeta, Miss Alena and Mr David. So far we have learnt how to clap our Animals Names and learnt about differences. Our Families should receive their log in details very shortly so that they can continue to enhance the learning at home.  

Lipsy Loo Educational Segment!

Extra Special News!

Miss Vicki has reached a huge milestone this month - 16 years with Jellybeans! Now that's a lot of cooking in the Jellybean's Kitchen! Imagine just how many meals Miss Vicki has prepared over these years! I could probably bet that one of her favourite memories of being in the kitchen was either when she had aircon installed or she had a full kitchen revamp! Who wants to bet which one it was! 

Congratulations Miss Vicki!

What's Coming to Jellybeans!

Our Pre-School Room is eagerly awaiting the month of July! To further enhance our understanding of those that assist us in our community, we have some special visitors coming to Jellybeans! Keep an eye out for the following events!

7th July - Dentist Visit with Fun Smiles

17th July - RSCPA Visit

20th July - Police Visit 

21st July - Fire Department Visit  

A trip down Memory Lane!

June Birthdays!

Please join me in wishing the following Educators and Children a very Happy Birthday! They have all celebrated their Birthdays during the Month of June! Remember you are more than welcome to celebrate your Child's Birthday here at the Centre; however, you need to be extra mindful of any food you bring in as we have several Children with severe allergies. 

Andy, Charles, Erheer, Everleigh, Hazel, Jade, Janelle, Nadar, Lucas 

Mr David, Miss Tanima, Miss Stephanie, Miss Ha and Miss Cristina 

Happy Birthday!

June's Book - Noisy Tom!

 This Story is about Tom who is very loud. Everything he does makes a noise. At the park he discovers people have different ways of playing: loud and quiet, fast and slow. Tom likes to try the different ways, but realises there is only one way to show his feelings, his way! This book celebrates the different ways that people communicate their feelings.

Keep an eye out in the post, the Books should be arriving very shortly! 

June's Book!

Educator News!

We have welcomed a few new faces to our Jellybean Family! Please welcome Miss Leticia, Miss Taliesha, Miss Noverose and Miss Cheyenne. All of these ladies are very keen on a Career in the Early Childhood Sector as they are all Studying their Certificate 111 in Children Services. Please join us with making them feel welcome. 

A huge Congratulations to Miss Annabelle who has just recently completed her first year of service with us! Congratulations Miss Annabelle.  

Miss Annabelle - 1st year of Service!