By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Thursday, 20 June 2019
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

June News

Welcome to our June News! 

Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined us over the past few weeks. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time here at Jellybeans. 

The Centre Photo Session was a huge success, the photos should be available to purchase over the coming weeks. Please keep an eye out for notices around the Centre for when they are available. Payment can be made by Credit Card or Cash. 

We are in the process of implementing some innovative ideas around the Centre and we need your input. Is there anything in particular that you would like to see around the Centre? Please share your thoughts. 

Henny Penny has arrived......If you are keen to re-home some of the chickens please let Miss Carla know. They will be available at the end of next week. 

Happy Birthday  

Please join me in wishing the following Educators a very Happy Birthday! They have all celebrated their birthday in the month of June. Happy Birthday to you all, we certainly hope that you had a wonderful day!

Miss Stephanie     Miss Ha

Mr David            Miss Cristina  

Nursery 2 

Hello from Nursery 2.

Wow it is hard to believe that the first half of the year has gone. Firstly I would like to welcome Dante and Nicholas and their families to our room. Its great to see all the children meeting their individual milestones. All the Nursery 2 children are now walking and having a wonderful time exploring the room environment.

We have been doing some interesting art work to help celebrate Ramadan, Reconciliation Week and Astronomy week. These activities help the children to become aware of different cultures around us.

Dancing to Wiggles has become a popular activity along with using the musical instruments. The children create some great musical sounds using the instruments.

Duplo is a popular activity as well. The children become excited when they are able to successfully join the blocks together. They have a ball outside riding the bikes and red car and climbing in and out of the fort.

If you have any questions regarding your child please feel free to come and have a chat.

Until next time

Miss Margaret

Nursery 1 News  

Hello, all of our lovely parents and families!!

Here we are nearing half way through the year, how fast the year has gone. Time surely does fly!

We firstly would like to start off by giving a warm welcome to our new friend KiKiope and her family to our Nursery One room. We hope you enjoy your time with us.

We would like to say a big happy birthday to Evelyn, Summer and Lachlan who have turned one this month.

It is exciting to see some of our babies stand up and taking their first steps. We will be encouraging this skill by using the walkers whilst outside and holding educator's hand to walk to the bathroom.

In Home corner and with the babies, the children are learning to socialise and communicate with each other. Role play and imaginative play has been enjoyed by all of the children this past month.

Everyone enjoyed the wet and cold paint sensory activity. We painted using recycled material and the babies loved finger painting on the bubble wrap. It was such fun.

We have also been doing a lot of musical and movement activities in our Nursery room. We have continued to work with the children during our group times to do singing and dancing together on a daily basis.

Finally, I would like to remind you to name all of your child's belongings and since the weather is changing please bring a warm jacket or cardigan that we can put on and off during the day when needed.

Thank you for your ongoing support and take care.

Miss Jasmine and Miss Ruby