By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Thursday, 14 June 2018
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

June News

Welcome to our June Newsletter 

 Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News. One must ask where has this year gone? Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their prompt reply with the Childcare Subsidy Letters, hopefully the outstanding letters will come in over the coming days. If you have not yet received your letter please check your MyGov account. With the financial year lingering I would just like to remind everyone that your fees must be kept one week in advance at all times. If your Direct Debit bounces back for some reason please remember you will need to make this payment on your next day of attendance. Our Kindy Photos will be taken next week on Tuesday and Thursday, if you don't attend on these days please feel free to bring your child in so they can have their photo taken. Payments are made by cash or credit card once  you have viewed your child's photo. If you are in need of an extra day please let me know as we have a few spots across the week available at the moment. 

Pyjama Drive

Jellybean Childcare Centre would like to support the Pyjama Foundation with a basket full of new pyjamas for their Pyjama Drive. PJ's can be either winter or summer and range in sizes from 0000 up to and including adults. Please bring your donation in by the 30th June 2018 and place it in the basket located in the foyer. 

 Hello from Nursery 2

The year is flying by so fast and it is very exciting to watch the little ones progress so rapidly with their development and celebrate special moments with them.

It was sad to say goodbye to Leighton and Abigail who moved to Toddlers. I am sure they are enjoying their new rooms. We are very happy to welcome Louis to our room who moved from Nursery 1.

At the moment we are concentrating on helping the children further develop their fine and gross motor skills. This is achieved by encouraging them to do simple insert puzzles, stacking large pegs in peg boards doing drawings using crayons, textas and also doing a variety of paintings. For those children who are nearly walking we are encouraging them to use the walkers and those who are competent walkers they are having fun on the slippery slide, riding bikes and crawling/climbing through the tunnel/fort.

The children's language skills are starting to develop so we are encouraging this by reading stories and singing songs. Watch as our "Old Mac Donald had a Farm " display takes shape on the wall. This encourages the children to recognize and verbalize animal sounds as we sing and to name the animal.

Winter is finally here. As the days are quite warm please send some lighter weight clothes to change into during the day as the warmer winter clothing is to hot. We can put the warm clothing back on in afternoon as it cools down again.
Cheers from Miss Margaret and Miss Nittaya

Storage King Color In Competetion

Would you like to win this awesome Crayola Gift Pack? All you need to do is grab a color in sheet from the foyer, color it in and return it to the Centre with your child's name on it. Entries need to be returned by Friday 29th June 2018 for judging. We would like to say special thanks to Storage King @ Durack for the wonderful donation.  

Nursery 1 Room

 Hello, all our lovely parents and families!!

Wow, we are already half way through the year!!

Time surely does fly!

First of all, let us welcome our new friends Amelia and Ella and their families to our Nursery 1 room. We are thrilled to walk this amazing and meaningful learning journey altogether.

A Big HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to Maddie and Connor on this June. We all hope you have fun and enjoy your special day!!!

Most of our older babies are displaying knowledge of routine and confidence with simple self-help skills such as holding their milk/water bottles, eating finger food by themselves and walking confidently to the bathroom without holding hands.

Our younger babies are showing their strengths in physical movement rolling over/ back, crawling around and standing by pulling themselves up using some furniture.

We also noticed that babies are really loving and enjoying our nursery rhymes and songs every day particularly, "Twinkle, twinkle, Baby shark, and Open shut them."

Just a little reminder, lastly, please label all your child's belongings and pack spare clothes, and warm jumper/coats for the chilly weather.

Please feel free to chat with either of us regarding your child and their progress.

Many thanks for your support and take care.

From Jasmine and Pam

Car Park Safety 

The safety of you and your family is very important to those of us here at Jellybeans, so I would like to remind everyone of the importance of car park safety. When using the car park please be vigilant in how fast you are travelling. Our car park is not a speedway. When reversing please be mindful of other cars, watch for children and families that are moving around the car park and open car doors. Finally when you are accompanying your child from the car to the front door, please hold their hand.