By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

March News

Hello and Welcome to our March Edition of Jellybean News!  

Who can believe that March is over and the Easter Bunny is just around the corner! Did I forget to mention the extra Long Weekend that is approaching real fast! Over the past few weeks Miss Margaret has been super busy with our Easter Raffle, organizing tickets and prizes. If you are extra keen for some more tickets please let her know. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday the 9th of April. 

Feeling the need not to mention the C.....Word but I need to reassure all of our wonderful Families, Educators and those in the greater community, Jellybeans is fully operational and although times are hard right now we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. From everyone here, we hope that you are all taking care of yourselves and looking after those that are close to you. We look forward to seeing those bright bubbly smiles and our lives returning to pre-Corona over the next few weeks. 

Under the current circumstances, we are trying to limit the amount of social contact between people entering the centre. We ask that when you are dropping your children off at the centre that you please only stay for the reasonable amount of time it takes to drop off and say Goodbye. Please be reminded that social distancing, although difficult between children does need to be respected by adults. At this time we are not encouraging parents to stay in the centre for long periods of time or interact with the other children in the centre. Please use the Hand Sanitizer that is located in the foyer as you arrive and exit from the Service. 

If you are looking for any ideas on how to keep the little ones entertained while they are isolated at home, please feel free to send through an email and our Educators will certainly assist with some little activities. In the event that you need that extra ear to vent to please always remember that Jellybeans is always open and only too willing to assist where we can. Tale Care xxxx

Educator News! 

Miss Veronica has commenced her Long Service Leave and Annual leave. She will be away until the 25th of May. Miss Navneet will be available should you have any concerns. We certainly hope that the time passes quickly and she is back here brightening up our days. Each Newsletter we are going to have a little fun and slowly introduce our amazing Educators to you, this month Miss Margaret is our lucky candidate. 

Happy Snaps of our Day at Jellybeans! 

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