By Cindy Alvarez | Jelly Beans on Monday, 22 May 2023
Category: Jellybean - Richlands

May Newsletter!

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to our May Edition of Jellybean News! It feels like just yesterday we were sending out our April Edition of Jellybean News!  Over the past few weeks, we have welcomed some new faces to our Jellybean Family, we hope that you all enjoy your time here with us at Jellybeans - Welcome to our Jellybean Family!

Did you guys know that Miss Cristina has returned from Maternity Leave? Miss Cristina will be working in the Kindy Room with Miss Prathee and Miss Kamal - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

May marks the Anniversary of Jellybeans Official Birthday, we have been open 16 years! One could ask where the years have gone? Over the years we have welcomed many new Families join our Jellybean Clan, one of our finest moments is when and old family returns years down the track and they still recognise Educators that were here when they eldest were enrolled. Even funnier when an old student comes to enrol their child, how old does this make us feel! Let's take a stroll over some our special memories that have been created over the years!


A big Congratulations to the following Educators who have all celebrated a Work Milestone this Month!

Miss Abigail - 1 year 

Miss Sulu - 2 years

Miss Tanima - 3 years

Miss Cindy - 16years

From everyone at Jellybeans we would like to extend an extra big thanks for the ongoing commitment and dedication that you share with us on a daily basis. We look forward to creating many more special memories with you all!

High Importance!

Just a quick reminder that you cannot bring any food into the Centre! The only exception is breakfast that is being consumed prior to 7.30am. 

Due to the large number of Anaphylactic Children, Egg and Nuts are not permitted under any circumstance.  This means Nutella and Egg cannot be brought in for Breakfast - No Nutella Toast or Sandwiches and NO Eggs on Toast. 

In the event that your Child suffers with a notifiable Medical Condition, paperwork must be completed prior to them staying - Long Term Medication Form, Action Plan, Allergy Directions for Meal Preparation and Medical Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan. You must ensure that you bring your Child's Medication each day they attend - NO Medication NO STAY! 

These steps are being implemented to ensure the Health and Safety of all Children at all times, we thank you for your co-operation with these steps. 

Happy Birthday!

​First of all, lets wish the following Educator and Children a very Happy Birthday! They have all celebrated their Birthday during the Month of May! Special mention Miss Alena celebrated her big 50th!

Miss Kamal, Miss Alena and Miss Cindy

Alana, Auriana, Emma, Harry K, Walter, Xander

May's Story - Come Down Cat!

May's Story from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library has arrived - Come Down Cat!

This is a tale of Friendship and Bravery, and the things we are capable of doing for those we treasure the most! 

If your Pre-School Son or Daughter has not received their Book yet, please let me know, hopefully it will arrive in the coming days! Please remember to bring your Book in for Story-Time with Miss Pedeta. 

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