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A note from our Educational Leader

Dear Families,

As some of you may already know my name is Shannon and I am educational leader at Kidz Magic. My role is 'to lead the development and implementation of educational programs in the service' as stated in the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

For my first newsletter piece I would like to provide you with as much information as possible about the Educational programs and documentation that is being completed by each room.

The educators in all the rooms are required to compose and deliver an educational program daily.They compose the program through observing and interacting with your children and gathering information, documenting this information and then using it to create the program. Although there is some form of planning that goes into each program, there is also flexibility for spontaneous, child initiated or parent input experiences. As you can imagine there is a lot of learning and teaching that occurs daily.The educators attempt to document as much as they can however there are moments that are not always written down or have a photo to show what happened.

To ensure you are informed of the documentation that each room is completing, I have compiled the information and have listed it below.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this please come see your child's educator, Tammy or I.

Thanks Shannon

​Nursery ​Weekly Program: Boxed style
Day Sheet: Write up and photos when possible
- All art work
- All learning stories and child developmental records/information
- Some photos
​Toddlers ​Weekly Program:
- Boxed style        
- Educational program goals as required
Day Sheet: Photos and descriptions
-Some art work 
-All learning stories and child developmental records/information
Other art work is sent home
​Junior Kindy​ Weekly Program: Boxed style
Day Sheet:
- Photos and story
- Some art work ·        
- All learning stories / observations ·        
- Some photos  
Other art work is sent home
​Kindy ​Weekly Program: Boxed style
Day Sheet: Write up or Individual Observations with photos of the group
Portfolios: ·        
- Learning stories and observations         
- Some art work ·        
- Some photos  
Other art work is sent home
​Preschool​Weekly Program: Mind Map
Day Sheet: Photos and story / information
Portfolios: ·        
- All individual and group learning stories ·        
- Artwork – only if the learning/meaning is known and documented                   Other artwork is sent home as it is completed