By Chris Ramon on Tuesday, 08 August 2017
Category: Kidz Magic - Heathwood

August Newsletter

Upcoming Events

​16 August ​Centre Closed - EKKA Show Day
​4 September ​Super Hero - Father's Day Event

Progressive Morning/Afternoon Tea

We have commenced progressive morning and afternoon teas at the centre to assist with supporting children's individual needs. Instead of all children eating at a set time, they are able to snack anytime during the allotted time period. This is designed to get away from rigid time frames that may not suit all children. We have also added table cloths during all meal times. The table cloths give children visual cues to know that food is available. Educators still monitor the meals to ensure all children are offered the opportunity to eat.

Father's Day Celebrations

We will be celebrating Father's Day on Monday 4 September.

We are asking if all children could dress as their Super Hero. We will have a Sausage sizzle for lunch with the Dad's that can join us on the day.

If you can join us please keep Monday 4 September free from 11:15 -12:45pm.

Please ensure you RSVP at the office.

Woolworths Earn & Learn

We're thrilled to announce that the Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back for 2017. Now anyone can help our centre earn amazing equipment by shopping at Woolworths from the 26th July.

Please collect your stickers at the checkout and place them in our Green Woolworths box in the foyer.

Breakfast Bar

Aim: To provide Breakfast as an additional service to assist and support our families of a morning.

*This is an additional service we are providing to our families that is not included in the daily fee. This is subject to the Procedure outlined below (to assist with Quality care and supervision please read and follow the procedure)

This additional service may be removed under the Director's discretion at any time.

Breakfast will be available to the families arriving at the service between 6:15am-7:15am.

Parents are responsible for self-selecting the breakfast each morning and seating their child at the breakfast table in the room the Educators are opening in.

The breakfast bar will be set up in the foyer each morning.

Educators are not responsible for serving the children breakfast, as this will take Educator's away from the group of children already at the service. Supervision is important to us so in the safety of all involved parents are responsible for serving their child breakfast.

Breakfast must be eaten at the 'Breakfast table' which will be evident by a red and white check table cloth.

Full cream milk will be provided if alternative milks are required this must be provided by each family. If your child does not eat the food we have on offer, parents will then need to provide breakfast from home.

This procedure does not include infants and babies where they require bottles at varying times.

Menu Suggestions

We review our Menu on a regular basis and we need your feedback. We are asking if you could please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and answer the following questions:

- What meals would you like to see added to the menu?

- Would you like to see any changes?

- Would you like sandwiches to be on the menu more than once per week?

- Are you aware of where the weekly menu's are displayed?

- Please provide any other general comments and feedback about our current menu.

Thank you, your input is greatly appreciated!

Staff Changes

We would like to say farewell to Miss Jenny who leaves us on Wednesday 23 August, we wish her all the best with her new adventures.

Miss Indri will be the new Preschool Teacher. Most of you may have already met her. Miss Indri commenced with us on Monday 14 August and has many years of experience and holds her Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood. Please feel free to introduce yourself.

Miss Nishi said farewell to us on Thursday 10 August - we hope she enjoys spending more time with her family.

Miss Bijal will now step into a room and work with Miss Tash and Miss Amy. Most of you may have already met Miss Bijal, as she has been with us for a while now.

Thanks Tammy