By Chris Ramon on Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Category: Kidz Magic - Heathwood

December News

What a year we have had, not to mention the amazing centre renovation. So many memories - keep an eye out for the upcoming video - "A year to remember" 

Upcoming Events 

24 December - Partial Public Holiday

25 December - Christmas Day 

26 December - Boxing Day

1 January - New Years Day

27 January - Australia Day

28 January - Room changes occur for 2020

Holiday Notification 

​Reduced holiday rate forms are required to be filled out to receive your holiday discount. If you are not eligible for a reduced rate but are still taking leave, please ensure you let us know. This will assist with rostering Educator's and allow those that wish to take time off to spend with their family.

A reminder that as our numbers reduce over the Christmas/New Year period that rooms will combine and your child maybe with another Educator. Many of our Educator's will be taking leave at some time during January/December. A note will be placed on the doors to advise of any changes.

Thank You for helping us celebrate Christmas this year. It was a hot one! I hope you all had a great time. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Stay safe and enjoy the time with your family.

Photo Booth 

Keep an eye out for the Christmas Photo Booth photos. They will be uploaded to Facebook. 

You can then download your photos directly from facebook.

Arrival times over Christmas / New Year 

We still ask that all families adhere to the 9:30am drop off over the Christmas / New Year Period. From 9:30am children who have not arrived will be marked absent.

At 9:30am the numbers are provided to our cook to ensure that meals are planned for the attending children. If numbers are low - Educator's will be leaving to spend  time with their family. If you know you are going to be absent please ensure you phone or email the centre. 

If you will be arriving after 9:30am due to prior commitments, please ensure you phone the Service to let us know.