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February News


 Welcome to our February Newsletter!

Working Bee

We will be having a Working Bee here at the centre on Sunday 25 March from 7am-10am. 

For those of you who are unsure what a working Bee is. It is a group of people coming together to complete some communal work.

So on this Sunday we are asking for parents to come in and join us to complete some jobs that maybe too big to do during the week. Or perhaps you have some skills that you can share with us. Some jobs that we will have on the day are:

- Gardening

- Rearranging the outdoor sheds for easy access

- Cleaning the outside walls and concrete

-Creating play areas out of recycled items

We will provide breakfast on the morning. In addition every family that supports this event will go into the draw to win a Movie Pass.

If you can attend on the day, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We do need exact numbers to ensure this day goes ahead successfully.

Nursery News

Welcome to the start of a very exciting and busy year ahead!

Our nursery room is already beginning to settle very nicely. Our focus for the next few weeks will be to continue helping our children settle into their routines, feel safe and secure and to start forming friendships with educators and each other.

We will soon start venturing outside a little more and also start doing some arts and crafts for everyone to enjoy. The children's artwork will be displayed in a folder available for viewing anytime, located in the lockers. These will be given to the children at the end of the year, once completed. As discussed at the Parent Information Night, the cost of these folders are $5, if you haven't already paid, could you please pay Miss Bec or Miss June.

We are looking forward to the year ahead, watching our little friends grow, learn and create beautiful memories with all our Kidz Magic families.

Just a few reminders:

- Please ensure all of your children's belongings are clearly labelled.

- Nappy creams must be pharmacy labelled

- Please provide extra healthy snacks for your child if needed

- If you have a spare family photo, could you please bring in, so we can complete our Belonging Tree.

If anyone has any questions or input please feel free to speak with myself or Miss June.

Thanks Everyone

Miss Bec & Miss June

Toddler News

Cotton Bud Painting
Sensory Goop Play

 This month has been exciting, we have been connecting with each other and making new friends in the room, we would like to welcome Kiaan, Lucas and Connor to our room.

Over the past month we have been focusing on our social skills and combination of fine and gross motor skills through variety of art experiences and flexible play experiences. We are assisting all the children to be more confident with their sensory motor skills and movement. We have been designing out obstacle courses that allow our children to develop and explore a range of skills like jumping, climbing and stepping this all assists the children in developing a strong sense of wellbeing and take increased responsibility for their own physical wellbeing.

We have also been exploring our self-help skills and our children have been encouraged to try and do simple tasks for themselves, like making and packing own bed and even toilet training assists the children to have a strong sense of identity and they develop their emerging autonomy and inter-dependence. Other experience that we have enjoyed through the month have been sensory exploration experiences. It included Gloop play, flour play, play dough play, water play and paint, finger dot painting, manipulation exploration and so much more.

Miss Sandy & Miss Harmeet

Junior's News

 What has been happening in Juniors!

In Juniors the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing on learning our colours, shapes and the ABC's, whilst developing out fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The focus of the ABC's has come from a few of the children singing this song during the day. Zubaida has been focusing on this interest by doing letter paintings, making our own ABC cards for the wall. We started last week doing the letter A, making apples using the palm of our hands, and this week we did the letter B, making birds using our hand prints. Whilst doing these paintings, Zubaida has focused on asking the children what the words start with, singing the ABC song and sounding out the A and B.

The focus of the colours and shapes came from one the children telling me the colour and shape that I drew on a piece of paper. This stemmed to me printing of some different coloured shapes and asking a small group of children what the shapes were and what colours they were. I then asked the children if they could see the particular colour anywhere else around the room. We then used the focus of the shapes, to tracing the shapes onto some paper, and using our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination to place the coloured paper clips onto the matching coloured shape. This allowed the children to focus, concentrate, and communicate with the educators about the colours they see, matching the colours, and the shapes they see.

Today in Juniors, we used the three primary colours red, blue and yellow to paint the table with. We then mixed these colours together, and the children were asked what colours they were creating. The children created purple using blue and red, and green using yellow and blue. Once the children mixed the colours in on the table using their hands, developing their senses, we then used some paper to press down on each of the sections that the children painted the table with. This created an imprint on the paper, allowing the children to share their creation with others, whilst remembering the colours that were explored.

The children's interests within the room seem to be exploring the home corner with the dolls, changing their nappies and patting them to sleep. Another interest has been throwing balls to each other inside and outside. We are learning to throw and catch at longer and shortest distances. 

Junior Kindy News

 Hello everyone! The children and educators have begun to get to know each other and the children are settling into Junior Kindy well. Our focus areas for the beginning of the new year have been for the children to become familiar with a new routine, talking about our families and washing our hands correctly.

We sing the "Washing Hands" song and you might like to ask your child to sing it for you while they wash their hands! If you would like a copy of the song, please let us know and we can give you a copy to use at home!

 We have begun to put up "Our Family Tree" and would love you to be involved by supplying us with a family photo to add to it.

This way we can talk with the children about their families and they can feel more relaxed in an environment that has familiar faces, even when you can't be with us!

  This display shows how we are meeting the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. In this activity children were invited to paint with cotton buds to develop their creative abilities and imagination. They also named and discussed the colours they were using with each other and an educator. 

Some of the children painting and discussing colours

  We are also starting to put together portfolios of your child's growth and development for the year. We have purchased folders for you to keep, at the end of the year, at a cost of $6. Please pay this to Miss Tammy or Miss Amanda

Thanks Miss Amanda, Miss Monika and Miss Bijal

Kindergarten News

 Hello everyone,

We're so glad to have a smooth start to the kindergarten year.

First of all I would like to thank you to those of you who attended the parent information night at the beginning of this term. Your support to kindergarten program is very important and valuable to us all.

It's been really great to see many new children have progressively settled in to our centre and started to make new friends. Most children have settled in to their new routines and environments extremely well. The beginning of the year has been highlighted with children talking about their families, learning new things about each other and new friendship being formed. The first few weeks of the term we focus on supporting children's sense of security and trust by making them feel they are accepted, valued and supported of who they are, their family and culture. The children are encouraged to organise self and belongings and managing routines. It's been lovely to see how the children have involved in organising and cleaning their own bed at rest time, helping to prepare table for lunch/morning tea/afternoon tea and taking materials or tools from the storage room to set up learning areas. Children feel valued, powerful and engaged when they are given the opportunities to make choices and be involved in the process of learning from start to finish.

The children have been involved in making puppets using their own photos, create stories using the puppets and celebrate differences between us. This activity also has given children the opportunity to use technology as a part of our everyday life such as using camera to take photos and printer to print. All these learning experiences have given children the opportunity to get to know other areas in the centre, such as the office and storage room. When children's sense of belonging is supported they will become better learners.

Interests in these first few week have centred on play dough, building blocks and art and craft. Children are very keen to learn scissor handling skills and how to use sticky tape dispenser safely. They also have involved in solving problems and sharing space and tools with others while making and creating things at art table or building with blocks. In kindergarten literacy and numeracy are being encouraged through storytelling, songs, discussions, rhymes and games. Some children have shown interest and make attempt to write letters and words, while some others like to listen to stories, sing songs or point to some letters in books. All children have shown early literacy skills, and that they will develop deep appreciation and understanding of literacy.

Every kindergarten child is required to provide a folder for their portfolio. Please see Tracy or I to further discuss the options, or you can read the information in our Kindergarten News that is placed at the kindergarten entrance door.

Miss Indri and Miss Tracy