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Grandparents Day

Save the Date...

 Join us for Grandparents Day!

When: Monday 30 October

Time: 10am - 11:15am

RSVP: Wednesday 25 October - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What to Bring: A plate of food to share

Morning of FUN!!!

 Come along and join in on Grandparents Day.

Art & Craft stations will be set up, along with a photo booth for some memorable snaps. (Photos will be provided to the families after the event)

We are asking if each family could bring along a plate of food to share for morning tea. We will provide Tea, Coffee and Juice on the morning too.

Can't make it ????

If the Grandparents are unable to attend due to whatever reasons, please feel free to extend the invitation to other family members or special friends. Please ensure though you let us know who will be attending on the day.