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June Newsletter

Welcome to our June Newsletter!  

We would like to thank the families who joined us at our recent Art Gallery and Performing Arts night, what a success and we thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events

27 June  Stranger Danger Show

2-13 July  Mid Year Parent/Educator Meetings - please book at the office

14 July    10th Birthday 11am-2pm  - RSVP This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

15 August  Centre Closed - Ekka 

Welcome Back...

Welcome back Miss Joanna!!

Miss Joanna has recently returned from maternity leave and we also have the pleasure of  having her son James join us at Kidz Magic. We are excited to have her back.

Miss Joanna will be our multi age Educator.


Hello everyone!

Wow! What a busy month our Nursery has had…… our little babies are growing so fast and with nearly all our little friends  walking now, our room is very busy.The past month we have focused on learning nursery rhymes with actions, sustainability and colours. The children have responded very well to this and have had great fun along the way. We would like to welcome Zane, Christian and James to our Kidz Magic family.The boys have settled in so nicely and we look forward to making beautiful memories with them all.

In the coming month we will be celebrating Kidz Magic's 10th birthday, please don't forget to rsvp for this event.

We would also like to thank the families that attended our Art show, your support is greatly appreciated, for those that couldn't make it, its not too late to order/purchase your child's artwork, just ask Miss Bec or Miss June.

We are looking forward to the coming month with our babies as we watch them grow, learn and develop new skills. We will continue with our artwork, story time, singing and focus on their interests.

Miss Bec & Miss June 

 Can you believe we are almost half way through the year already... the children have grown so much since the beginning of the year. 

The Children are looking after their environment, by helping pack away and cleaning up from meal times. The children even keep track of their hats and shoes when outside. They know to place their belongings into their lockers too. 

They give almost any challenge we set for them a go. We have now set up a mirror and tissue station to encourage the children to wipe their own noses, they are loving the independence.

The children have shown an interest in shapes and colours through our felt stories, and through their own play. We have been focusing on shapes and colours through play, and through conversations. We are also encouraging families to send a story to share with their friends.

They are great communicators in what they wish to do, so sometimes our plan changes to follow their interest of the day.

They have shown an interest in sensory play again so we are going to introduce different types of sensory experiences, if you have any ideas let us know… if anyone knows an easy Slime recipe that works that would be great too.

We will continue to encourage the children and their self-help skills, and independence.Follow their interest in shapes and colours.

Can't wait to see where we head to next.

Miss Tash and Miss Harmeet 

 Our Junior room would like to say welcome to our new friends Krisha, Anjali & Corey. I'm sure you will have an exciting time in your new room.

Unfortunately it is sad to say goodbye to two of our other friends Meera & N'kysha we will sadly miss you both, all the best for your future adventures.

We celebrated George's Birthday on the 5th June thank you to George's Family for the beautiful cake you shared with us.

We are transitioning children from bottles to cups. What an exciting time ahead.

Parents can we please ensure that all your children's belongings are named.

This month we are focusing on alphabet letters. This will enable the children the ability to mirror, repeat & practice their letters here and at home. Each week we will be learning a new letter by creating arts & crafts from them. You will be able to see these displayed on our Project walls.

Each week we are cooking with the children. Please feel free to suggest any dishes that you would like your child to create.

Miss Maddy, Miss Mel & Miss Zubaida

 What a busy month we have had in Junior Kindy!

We have had quite a few events happen in and around our room. Unfortunately, we said our good-byes to Miss Amanda, as she left for Bribie Island due to her health conditions. Though we were sad to see her go, we are still soldiering on, creating new relationships with our new Educators Miss Ruth and Miss Anu.

This months program has been based around the children's interests which include, animals and insects, sensory activities, and social and emotional well-being practises. We have achieved this through learning activities such as the life cycle of a caterpillar, creating slime and placing hidden objects within it for the children to use their exploration skills, encouraging them to investigate and experiment. Our Junior Kindy children have also been practising their social skills, using their words when they want to express themselves, and learning to play alongside their peers, sharing and working together.

We would like to remind parents of children who are toilet training, to please provide a sufficient amount of pull-ups, underwear and spare clothes. We encourage families to work alongside their child's Educators in toilet training at home as well, as this ensures your child will have the best opportunity at achieving the desired goal.

Please feel free to discuss with the Educators about any concerns you may have. We would also like to strongly encourage family input within the room and towards your child's learning.

Miss Ruth, Miss Noni and Miss Anu 

 Hello everyone,

It is hard to believe that we are now in the last week of term 2, and two more terms the children will be graduating from Kindergarten and getting ready for their prep year. Tracy and I are very pleased to see how well the children are settling in to the routines and activities. We are pleased to see the progress the children have made in terms of their attention span and involvement at group times and group discussions. Their enthusiasm to learn new things are also improving throughout this term.

In April and May kindergarteners had been very busy getting involved in celebrations like Anzac day and Mother's day. Through these activities the children learned to respect others and appreciate what we already have. They are building positive relationship with others and exploring ways to show concern and interact positively with others.

Throughout May and June the children's learning was based on their interest in talking about their pets. Thanks to all of you who spent time and effort taking photos of your children and their pets and sending them to me. The children loved to talk and share their own experiences to their peers at kindy. Through discussions we continued the learning experience by creating a space for a Vet Clinic. This area became very popular and all the children had a turn to be a vet.  They learned about tools that a vet might be using such as stethoscope, scissors, thermometer, bandages and tweezers. Children continued their learning by creating a puppy school outside and inside that encouraged their cooperation with other children and share ideas to organise the setting, space and materials needed.

This term children have shown some interest in numbers and letters and we would like to extend this interest in the next term. Please feel free to come to talk to myself or Tracy if you have any ideas, concerns or feedback about learning experiences or activities. 

Miss Indri & Miss Tracy