By Chris Ramon on Tuesday, 05 May 2020
Category: Kidz Magic - Heathwood

May News


​Welcome to our May Newsletter, it has definitely been a strange few weeks. With the restrictions easing within QLD, we still need to be mindful of social distancing, hygiene and the rules set out by the Government. We still have many procedures in place at our service to protect everyone involved. If you have not yet returned to our service, please ensure you touch base with Tammy prior to your return so we can inform you of the procedures we have set out.

Centre Extensions 

As you may have already heard, we are extending and creating 40 new places at our service. These places are already filling fast, with a rough estimate of October to be the completion date. 

If you are waiting on extra days for your child, I urge that you email the centre This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your extra places. We are now taking on new enrolments, so please don't wait until construction starts, as there maybe no places left.

Winter Menu Coming Soon... 

We have a new winter menu coming soon...

Here is a sample of some meals

🥦 Broccoli Soup with fresh croutons
🥕 Beef and Vegetable Stew
🌶 Thai Chicken Meatballs with Wholemeal Pasta
🌽 Veggie loaded chicken curry with roti
🥣 Couscous with Caramelised Leeks, Carrots and Zucchini
🍏 Apple crumble with custard

* Vegetarian options also made

Hand Sanitiser

With school resuming for most children by the end of this month, we need to ensure correct hand hygiene continues. While handwashing is the best method, if you are after a 500ml pump bottle of Hand Sanitiser, this will be available to purchase from the office soon. You can place your order today - $10 per bottle.

Hand sanitiser is great when you are out and about or can't freely access a hand basin.

Room Newsletters... 

Thankyou Tammy