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May News

Upcoming Events

​2 June ​All Families are Special Show - please collect your permission slip from your child's pocket
​5 June ​Centre Photo's Commence - Photo slips will be in your child's pocket soon
​29 June​Indigenous Performance
​3 July​NAIDOC Week - the weekly events list will be up mid June

Cadbury Fundraiser

Our Cadbury Fundraiser will be commencing soon. We are asking if each family could please collect a box from the office when they arrive. All money raised from this fundraiser will be going towards purchasing new equipment for outside that will be specifically designed and made to order.

The chocolate should be arriving this week or early next week. A sign will be placed on the front door to advise of it's arrival.

What is a Safe Sleeping Environment


Red Nose

More information can be found here.

The weather is becoming cooler and we are all reaching for the blankets and soon to be heaters. It is with this cooler weather that we should be reminded of safe sleeping practices for infants.

A safe sleeping environment means that all potential dangers have been removed and the baby is sleeping in a safe place. The ideal place for a baby to sleep is in a safe cot, on a safe mattress, with safe bedding in a safe sleeping place, both night and day.

Unsafe settings for baby's sleep-time include leaving baby unattended on an adult bed or bunk bed, placing baby on a waterbed, beanbag, couch, pillow or cushion, or with a sleeping adult or child on a couch, sofa or chair.

Keep baby's cot away from hanging cords such as blinds, curtains, or electrical appliances as they could get caught around baby's neck. Keep heaters or any electrical appliances well away from the cot to avoid the risk of overheating, burns and electrocution. Never use electric blankets, hot water bottles or wheat bags for babies.


We are now on Facebook. Please be sure to find our page and 'Like us' to ensure you keep up to date with what is happening in the centre. Photo's of your children will not be published on this page unless I have written permission from you. So if you would like to see your child's photo on our Facebook Page or Newsletters, please be sure to sign a permission slip next time you are in.

Nursery News

The journey with the children has been so exciting. It's wonderful to see how the children have settled, they are bonding with each other and with the educators. Those who have recently joined us are finding comfort and security with the educators, we hope to flourish that relation in future too.

We will be working towards enhancing the skills of children in numerous areas like cognitive, physical, language, social and emotional through different activities like art and craft, investigating and manipulating various natural and artificial objects, different types of play, group work, singing songs, reading books as per the interests of the children.

The concept of sustainability has been introduced to the children, we will scaffold that through variety of plays and practices everyday among children.

Very soon we will be putting up the family photos in our room to encourage children understand the concept of family, identify the elements of own family and have a sense of comfort through looking at their own family in the centre and also develop a feeling of belonging within the centre. Therefore we would ask all the parents and families to please provide a family photo.

As you know that this year we have our children's display folder where you can view your children's learning document and their pictures for which we need a folder for each child. If you have already not provided with one, could you please provide a folder for your child.

We also have a parent input book placed at the bench in the kitchen where you can put your ideas for our programming or anything that you want your child to achieve. All your suggestions and ideas will be highly valued and this way we will be working in partnership for the benefits of the children.

Can we ask everyone to please take your child's sheet home if they do not attend the centre in consecutive days as there will be other children attending on those days who will require the cot and we need to disinfect the cot ready for another child next day.

We hope to have a happy and healthy day everyday.It's been pleasure to be with your children and sharing their daily stories with you. We look forward to delivering the quality care and education to each child throughout our journey.


Miss Jo and Miss Noni

Toddler News

In the Toddlers Room, we have been learning the numbers 1 to 5, the colours of the rainbow and our basic shapes.

We have also made some changes to our learning environment to enrich the children's learning. Quiet spaces have been set up to allow children to have a relaxed and calm environment and areas where children can explore and take on new challenges.

We would like to welcome Meera who has moved up from the Nursery and also Devina who has also recently joined us in the Toddler room.

As the weather is changeable at the moment can you please pack a t-shirt & a warm top for your child.

Miss Ruth & Miss June

JK News

Can't believe its May already. The children have been learning about transport as the cars and trucks have been a huge hit in the room, almost over taking their interest in home corner. We have started to Include making our own beds into the routine, the children are really giving it ago "Tuck it under". Is said to encourage them as they help, sometimes doesn't sound like that though.

A while ago we sent a letter home asking for some Key words in your Home languages, we are going to give it a good go to include the words into the daily routine, if we can get our tongue around the pronunciations.

We include colours and counting into activities as we explore, learning our names during transition times. We are encouraging the children to keep track of their own belongs, placing things in their lockers or by the door when we go outside.

We have been asking all children in nappies if they wish to sit on the Toilet at changes and their Wish are respected, but we do have most of them just sitting on the toilet to get use to the Idea.

Junior has been going around on so many adventures, the children enjoy showing off their special pages to friends when he returns, he will get to visit everybody ?

Please feel to add idea you would like to see include by writing and adding it to the family input board, located, on the shelf under our daily reflections, we loved to include your ideas as well into the program.

Kindy News

Wow yet another month has passed... it feels like just yesterday I typed our last newsletter. In senior kindy we are absolutely flourishing. At the beginning of the year we introduced the letter A and the Jolly Phonics rhyme that went with it and each week since we have learned a new letter. Teaching through repetition, song and play has been proven to be one of the most successful ways of teaching young children. We have seen evidence of this through our learning of letters. Most children in our group have gone from not knowing any letters to recognising about half of the alphabet (the half we have worked on so far). They also know the sound that letter makes and remember the rhymes that go with it. This has worked in perfectly with name recognition.Many children now pick up or recognise letters in the environment and exclaim "that's my letter" – recognising the first letter of their name.Many children are now also recognising their name and completing many activities such as name puzzles.Name puzzles is a fantastic way to get children to really look at their name and see where the different letters belong.The children are feeling very proud of their ability to recognise their name and letters and are now often initiating these activities themselves.

I'm sure you would have noticed our recent room change.I find that if we move the room around every few months it reignites the children's interest and they seem to play with and explore different things that they may not have given a thought to previously. We have noticed since moving the room it has opened our construction area into a larger space which has proven to be more inviting to the children. We are seeing children in construction corner every day using different materials to create with. One of the most popular materials to be used of recent is the recycled plastic cups Miss Zubaida resourced. Every day we are finding children stacking the cups into tall towers. Some love to knock them down but instead of the construction crew getting upset about it they laugh and work together to rebuild it.It has been amazing to see how some recycled plastic cups has held the attention them for such a long period of time, day in, day out.Construction corner is very valuable in a young child's learning and development. It allows an opportunity to develop the ability to think and plan three-dimensionally and stimulates imagination, creativity and aesthetic awareness. Construction area can also encourage improvisation, problem-solving and manipulative skills and as children are often in there with their peers it enhances the ability to do things like share and work together (collaborate). What a fantastic amount of developmental opportunities in one small area.We are looking to extend on this new found interest and further develop our construction corner with a variety of materials. If you have anything you could donate we would be grateful.We are looking for things like boxes, paper towel rolls (not toilet paper rolls – we are unable to use them due to hygiene), mailing cylinders, logs and pieces of timber (that are not splintered), milk bottle tops, egg cartons, yoghurt pots, and anything else you might think would come in handy for construction.

Lastly, we have recently handed out some family input forms. Your input is very important to us and it would be fantastic if you could fill them out and return them.It helps us to create goals to work towards with your child.

As always, any questions, concerns, suggestions, please let us know!

Tanya, Tracy and Zubaida

Preschool News

The Preschool children have been participating in lots of learning adventures and experiences each day.

The children have been showing lots of interest with exploring Chinese, as they share with each other the variety of words, phrases and concepts of each lesson. The children are invited to explore Chinese, in all learning spaces.

Thank you to all the parents who have been assisting your child with writing his/her name on arrival each day. This learning space assists each child to feel as though they belong within the Preschool Room.

''Ants in the Apple'' phonics/writing/letters of the alphabet-The pre-schoolers are becoming very skilled with remembering this Rhyme as they continue their journey with preparation for reading and writing everyday words.

Thankyou also for your ongoing donations of a variety of resources and art/craft to extend each child's learning spaces.

Thanking you for your continuing support with your child's learning,

Miss Jenny[Monday-Friday],Miss Kris[Monday,Tuesday,Friday],Miss Kristie (Wednesday-Friday)

  • Miss Shannon has been appointed the Educational Leader within the Centre. To allow her to fulfil that role effectively Miss Kristie will work in the Preschool room on a Wednesday – Friday. Shannon will remain working Monday – Thursday within the centre but will be seen throughout the centre. Congratulations Shannon on being appointed this Role!!


Thank you all for your continued support and participating in our Centre events. It is great to see such a huge involvement within our centre.

Our new Philosophy wall has now been created. Please feel free to check this on a regular basis as the photos will change regularly. The Philosophy tree is a visual image of our Centre Philosophy.

Until Next Month

Tammy & Staff