Welcome to our October News! 

Upcoming Events

 14/10   Family Portraits

 17/10   Kindergarten Graduation Photo Forms Due

22/10   Kindergarten Graduation Photo's - All week

  5/11    Morning Tea - 2019 'New Families Orientation'

  7/11    Diwali Celebrations

 Hi everyone!

Wow, can you believe it is October already……Our babies are growing so quickly! This has been a very busy month in the Nursery room. We welcomed a new little friend. Bea has settled very well into the Kidz Magic family and we look forward to making beautiful memories with her.

This month some of our children progressed to their next level of development, crawling, standing, clapping and even talking. This is very exciting to watch and makes our room so enjoyable to be a part of.

As the weather is warming up we have all been venturing outside a lot more, our babies love going out and spending time with friends from the older rooms and exploring the outdoors. Please remember to pack a hat and appropriate clothing for the warmer seasons.

We look forward to the coming month, we have birthdays to celebrate, beautiful weather to enjoy, friendships to make and lots memories to be made……..and let's not forget more learning while playing!

Miss Bec & Miss June 

It is October already we feel it's important to take the time to reflect on the learning that has taken place in recent months. This process allows educators to recognise the achievements of the children and themselves while providing valuable information for future planning. We always look forward for your feedback and suggestions. Children are well connected with their new team of educators and having fun in their learning journey. Part of the reflection involves the summative assessments that your child's primary educator has written. The purpose of this documentation is to provide an overview of your child's individual learning and we urge parents to comment or add information.

We have been focusing on children being independent, teaching them self-help skills. The children have been practicing serving their fruits by themselves, hygiene skills and being responsible for their own learning environment which includes packing resources away and making their own beds with the help of educators.
In the numeracy and literacy sessions our children are exploring shapes, colours, story reading, dancing, role playing and singing. In sensory part play dough is one important medium as this allows children to manipulate the dough through their fingers to support the development of their fine motor skills. Small groups engage in conversations with one another and develop their use of language and social skills.
Children explored recycled boxes to experiment using trial and error, problem solving and team work to create and play. The children have been able to use these resources to explore multiple uses for the equipment.
The children have been able to express themselves through dramatic play in the home corner. This supports their development in expressing themselves through different characters they play and supports their use of negotiating roles, language and social skills.
We have continued to practice and learn Acknowledgement of the country which is incorporated into our daily routine. Specific learning opportunities such as group time at any meeting place allows children to communicate verbally and non verbally. It helps children in their social play and building relationship.
The outdoor environment is always a hive of activity with the children challenging their skills on the obstacle course, bicycle riding, block building and swings. The sandpit has seen sand castles, cup of tea, yummy dishes, big holes and cooking amongst some of the many experiences the children have produced and learnt about. Educators support children with developing their interests by asking questions and furthering their knowledge on their interests.
Our indoor and outdoor art experiences are changing and evolving as the children are being provided with a range of art materials to draw, scribble, paste, cut and paint various masterpieces. The resources can be changed throughout the day as the children are encouraged to explore and experiment.

Miss Nee & Miss Jila​

 We would like to welcome two new children Jonas and Levi, and their parents to Junior's room, both children are settling in very nicely. We have been focusing on children being independent, teaching them self-help skills like dressing themselves, hygiene skills using soap and water, and serving their own fruit using tongs at morning tea. The children are also learning to be responsible for their own environment which includes packing away and learning to make their bed with the help of an educator.

We have also noticed the children love getting dressed up in home corner and this is another area children have been able to express themselves. We have costumes of nurses, policeman, fireman and others. By pretending to be other people, children experiment with new ideas and behaviors. This supports their development in expressing themselves through different characters they play and supports their use of negotiating roles, language and social skills.

At group time just before lunch and sleep time the educators in the room have been doing yoga with the children. We have a poster on the wall and the children follow the same poses when the educators show them how to do it. Sometimes the educator gives them a choice of which pose they would like to do and everyone gets a turn doing this. By doing this just before sleep time we have noticed children are more relaxed and fall asleep easily. Children also learn to develop body awareness and manage stress through deep breathing.

Thank you

Miss. Jo, Miss Amy and Miss. Zubaida

 The Junior Kindy children have been enjoying playing with play dough. They have also had the opportunity to make their own play dough and learn about the ingredients required to make this.

We learnt a few new songs : Manners song, Rainbow song, Days of the week, Bumble bee.

The children made their own puppets, using old socks. They decorated them with pom poms, sticks, & colourful paper. They all took pride in making them and loved performing a finger puppet show for their friends.

Lately, the children have been pretending and playing superheros. The most popular were Spider-Man and Batman.We extended on the children's' interest by making superhero masks with them, which they decorated by themselves and they pretended to have super power. 😊

We would like to ask you a little favour,if you have any costumes at home for pretend play that you don't use at home anymore, please bring it in, our children would love it. It can be anything at all like dresses, skirts, costumes, handbags, hats or even jewellery....

Last week the children planted grass seeds & sunflower seeds in recycled paper cups. This activity develops the children's' growing appreciation and care for our environment, by realising that the seeds or plants need water, air and sun to grow & thrive. The children have been very excited when they are seeing the little sprouts popping up & growing through their care.

Miss Ruth & Miss Anu 

 Hello everyone,

I can't believe that we are entering Term Four already! We've been enjoying beautiful spring days outside as the children continue to be involved in watering the plants and noticing the growing of the flowers in our garden.

In the beginning of August kindergarten children were involved in discussions, role playing and activities to look after the environment and reducing waste. The children were engaged in discussions about Where Our Rubbish Goes through observing our practices in the classroom and if there are some minor changes that could be made. Kindergarten children have started to reuse printed paper for drawing on the reverse side, use only one or two paper towels to dry our hands. Having two different rubbish bins with signs to start separating our rubbish (recycle and non-recycle) and bringing boxes, egg cartoons, paper towel rolls, bottle caps, etc. to Kindy to reuse them for our art and craft. As families and community members we can start to look at our practices at home and see if there are small things we can do. As a community these changes, collectively, can make a big difference to the world our children will inherit, and help them develop responsible attitudes about care of their environment.

We'd like to thank Scarlett and her family for their contribution to reducing waste to the environment by bringing old children books, fabrics, paper and cardboard for us to reuse them.

If you have plenty of printed documents in your home that we could reuse for drawing, or interesting off-cuts that could inspire 3D construction we would be grateful to receive them.

Throughout August and September kindergarten children explored many areas of learning such as exploring sinking and floating using materials they could find around us. They continued the learning by designing and creating their own boats using recycle materials. They are also involved in group discussions to make predictions if their boat is going to sink or float.

Children showed curiosity and interest in exploring musical instruments and their sounds, which they had extended the learning into creating musical performances wearing multicultural costumes. This was the highlight of our learning experiences as all the children were actively engaged in making decisions, arranging the stage and group of performers and preparing chairs and tickets for the audiences. As children used the instruments and engaged in dramatic play they were learning to negotiate roles, responsibilities and relationship, use their imagination to explore real life events, respond to music conductor's instructions, play music cooperatively as a group, organise props, materials and friends to join in new play experiences and collaborate positively and confidently with others in play and group learning situations.

In the next few weeks we will be completing children's Transition Statements that will provide each school with information on how the transition can best benefit your child. In this Transition Statement there will be a section for the family to complete. There will be more information on the Kindergarten News Board within the next week. 

Miss Indri & Miss Tracy

Graduation Photo's 

Graduation Photos are fast approaching. Please ensure you return your order form no later than 17 October. 

$5 - Digital Image. Please provide a USB

$10 - Digital Image (please provide a USB) and 8"x 10" print

Photo's will be taken the week commencing 22 October.

2019 Re- Enrolments

Please ensure all Re-Enrolments are returned by Friday 12 October. Positions cannot be confirmed if returned later than this date.

All families are required to return the form below.


Assessment & Rating Visit 

 We are pleased to announce that we received Meeting National Quality Standards across all 7 area's. Congratulations and a big thank you to all the Educator's involved in the process.

Diwali Celebrations 

We are still finalising all the finer details for our Diwali Celebrations. We will update you all as soon as possible. We will be celebrating the event on the 7 November. Please feel free to come dressed in cultural attire. We will also have a performance on the day - the cost of the event is $10 per child. 

An update will be issued soon.

Thank you Tammy