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October News

Welcome to our October Newsletter. 

Upcoming Events 

​Date ​Event
​1 October ​Cyber Safety Presentation - 6pm
​13 OctoberFamily Portraits
25 October​Grandparents Day - 10am - 11am
​31 October​Halloween Celebrations
​8 November Kindergarten Information Evening - RSVP required (Will your child be attending Kindergarten in 2020? We ask that at least 1 parent attends)
​15 November​Succulent Wreath Making Workshop - 7pm

Graduation Photos

 Individual Graduation Photos - please ensure you make payment before the 14 October. These photos will be available to collect on the night of the Kindergarten Graduation.

If you wish to purchase additional photos to the pack, please let us know.

Family Portraits 

​Family Portraits are here again with our ever popular Photographer - Bede.

Bookings are required along with your payment of $20.

You will receive a 10 x 13" portrait and a Keyring with an option of purchasing more after viewing the photos.

This event is open to the community so please feel free to share this event. This makes a great Christmas gift to family or update your own photos at home.

Grandparents Day 

 Grandparents Day is celebrated annually in Queensland on the last Sunday in October and is a great opportunity for Queenslanders to recognise the important role grandparents play in helping our communities to thrive.

We will be celebrating Grandparents Day on Friday 25 October. We invite all Grandparents and special friends along. Bring a plate of food to share for Morning Tea and join in the fun with the special activities we have planned. Please RSVP to this event on Facebook. Numbers are required.

News from the Classrooms... 

 Welcome back, this year has flown by and its been a busy time in the Nursery room. It's been great to see the children exploring the new outdoor play settings and create such positive interactions between all the children and the Educator's. It's wonderful to see little friendships forming.

Recently we have seen lots of our nursery friends getting mobile, which means lots of pulling themselves up on the furniture, standing and walking. It's so exciting to see the children move through this transition as they build their confidence in their newly discovered skills.

As the weather is warming up please ensure you are packing some spare clothes in your child's bag as we may explore and engage in water play.

We have some wonderful events coming up such as our Halloween Party and of course as the festive season is also just around the corner our Christmas Party. We look forward to enjoying and celebrating these experiences with you and your family.

Until next time, bye for now. 

Tenneal, Ruth & Sukh

 Hello everyone, Myself Anu and Miss June would like to welcome all our beautiful families once again. Can't believe that we are nearly towards the end of the year.

In our toddler room our aim is to encourage children so that they can actively construct their own understandings and contribute to other's learning. Every child is different and have his or her own way of expressions and learning. We support each child according to their base and needs. Currently we are focusing on how to be gentle, caring and respectful to our educators, friends and also towards our nature. Children are learning to use their words more and also our magic words which are sorry, please and thankyou.

We will continue our learning journey by adding different topics to our program according to our children's interest.

Any concerns or suggestions are always welcome in our room as we believe in working together with our families. We are still asking for a family photo for our family tree PLEASE.

Something to remember; Please label all your child's belonging as its easier for staff to look after everything.

As hot weather is nearly here, we will start doing lots of water play and for that our little friends need a few pairs of spare clothes everyday, a hat and a drink bottle.

Thanks Anu & June

 Junior room

Hello to our Junior's Families,

Firstly, we would like to welcome Megha and Malakai to our Junior family. We are excited to have you join us on our Journey.

Last few months –


The children have learnt about cultural dress up and road safety (traffic lights).

We had a cultural show in the kindy room, so we decided to extend it  in our program. They were all interested in putting different cultural dresses on and recognised which dress belongs to which culture.

Road safety – The children made a lolly pop style of traffic lights to help them to understand and learn what traffic lights are used for. We made a bus using recyclable cardboard to put them in a scenario of being on the road. Green means go, red means stop.

Next few months the children will learn about self-portrait, primary and secondary colours, fine motor skills, healthy eating and celebrating Diwali.


The new playground is now open, and the children love to explore the new environment during outdoor learning time. The children are learning how to water plants and look after the environment. They use their gross motor skills to climb the wooden climbing pole, the wooden balance beam, the stepping stones and the triangle climbing frame. They manoeuvre their bodies to achieve the physical development of climbing.

We are planning to extend the knowledge of our children on every aspect of their learning journey.

Miss Mai, Miss Bijal & Miss Grace

 October is here and before we know it Christmas will be coming around, in our room we have started new educational program exploring the human body. If you have had a peek at the program, we will be focusing each week around a new system and this will carry on until November. This is has stemmed from the children noticing things on their skin and asking their own questions to which we have started our learning journey. My favourite part about teaching and guiding children is that at this age they are asking all the questions about themselves and showing them how they can resource information is a fun skill to develop.

I am currently brainstorming Christmas ideas for our room, I am leaving plenty of child led space, although for the base of the educational program I would like to explore diverse Christmas. Who do children spend their Christmas with? With Mum and Dad and siblings, with Mum or Dad, with Grandparents, with Step Parents and Siblings, with Mum and Mum, Dad and Dad. How do children celebrate it? On Christmas Eve, Christmas day, Boxing Day, not at all? I want to create an inclusive program for this holiday as it holds a very special place in my heart. I will be leaving questions in the room with our displays in the lead up to Christmas.

Miss Tracy has settled quite well in the Junior Kindy room, bringing her ideas and experience into the room has been extremely useful and the children have become comfortable with her too. Transitions can be a challenging time and the children have welcomed her completely.

I am very excited to have Parent conferences, I know it can be hard to get in and have a conversation with one of the educators when you have busy schedule. This is a great opportunity to write down your questions you might have about your child's learning journey, their development, questions about our program and things you would like to see more of in the room. I welcome all questions and I hope I will be able to answer them all in those meetings.

Thank You Miss Jo 

 Hello everyone,

Welcome to Term 4!

Last term was amazing with the children enjoying literacy and numeracy explorations in meaningful ways through play, group games and songs indoor and outdoor. The children engaged in various activities that involved counting, recognising letters and numbers around them and understanding letters and their sounds. Children's involvements in group projects were improving as they enjoyed creative drawings and storytelling with peers. The children had the opportunity to create their own story by discussing ideas and creating a storyboard. Through this activity the children learn to make meaning and express ideas in text and symbols through drawings. A few children's stories are displayed on the wall in our classroom, and children extended the learning to create a puppet show using stories and puppets they'd made. It was amazing to see how well they were involved in the process of creating the space, time and resources for the show as a group. They learned to negotiate roles, solve problems and respect other's point of views.

Kindergarten children had great times exploring magnetic and non-magnetic items in the environment. This exploration had led them to investigate, make predictions and generalisation about aspects of magnet, discover what is metal and what isn't and use descriptive language to name items around them.

Children also enjoyed exploring shapes in our environment by walking around the Centre to find shapes. Children discovered basic shapes, used a range of language to talk about the variety of shapes and involved in counting. Children used shape blocks to create other shapes or objects, count in small collections, add and take away and compare shapes.

Our excitement to play in the new playground turned into a learning opportunity for kindergarten children to learn to care for our environment, play safely with others and respect younger children when playing together. Kindergarten children had fun learning action songs to be sung together with babies and toddlers in the playground. It's been wonderful to see Kindergarten children can be gentle with younger friends, play safely with them and help them.

We will continue focusing in emergent literacy (letter recognition, phonics, text awareness) and numeracy skills (sorting, classifying, grouping, comparing).

If your child is going to Prep in 2020, you will be receiving an online Transition Statement early November. A consent form is needed for us to be able to send the Transition Statement to your child's school.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please contact us at any time.

Indri and Josie