By Chrisanne Balev | Little Darlings on Monday, 14 August 2017
Category: Little Darlings - Upper Mount Gravatt

August Newsletter

Firstly a huge welcome to all of our new families. We are very much looking forward to getting to know you all.

We have had some very exciting additions to our centre over the last month. The children are enjoying our new garden beds. Some of the children loved planting the seedlings, and each day many of the children enjoy watering them. We have some carrots and tomatoes, as well as basil, oregano and parsley. Thank you also to one of our families for bringing us some broccoli plants to add to our vegetable gardens. We have also started a worm farm. Each day the children have been collecting banana skins and feeding them to our worms.

We have had some amazing results in our survey we put out. We thank everyone for taking the time to do the short survey. We asked the question about whether you would like the centre to provide food for a small extra cost per day. Thus far, the results indicate that 75% of our parents would like us to provide food daily. The survey will close at the end of the week for everyone who has not yet completed it. Thank you also to everyone for your feed back. It is really important to us, so we can always improve and provide a better service to you and your families.

We are looking at creating a mud kitchen outside for the children. If anyone has any old pots and pans they are no longer using, we would love for you to donate them. Please no rust. We are holding a small fun competition for the children to guess how many lollies are in the jar. $3 guesses for $1. The person who guesses the exact number or the closest number, wins the lolly jar. The lolly jar will be on the front counter.

Our centre is also planning to have a community book drop. If anyone has any preloved children's books they are willing to donate, we would greatly appreciate them. The children love our new story telling area, and we are hoping to expand our library with kind donations.

Just a friendly reminder to all parents, in the mornings, please deliver your child to a staff member. It is essential to ensure staff are aware you are dropping off your child. This is also essential in the afternoon. Please ensure staff are made aware you are taking your child for the afternoon, as often there are messages which may need to be passed onto you. Your child's safety is paramount and we want to make sure all families understand this when dropping off and picking up children. 

Please don't forget to like us on Face book.