By Chrisanne Balev | Little Darlings on Monday, 20 July 2020
Category: Little Darlings - Upper Mount Gravatt

July Newsletter 2020

Where has the first half of the year gone? We have been very busy throughout July and cannot believe it is nearly over.

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new families and beautiful children in our centre.

Thank you to everyone who is vigilant in using our hand sanitizer when entering our centre. Please remember to continue to social distance from staff and other parents during your times at our centre. Thank you also to parents who are also being very vigilant in keeping their children home when they are sick. This will continue to stop the spread of all germs. Please remember, if your child is sick, keep them at home.

The days have become a lot cooler so please remember to always pack warm clothes for your child as well as a small blanket for rest time. Please also be sure to label everything! This includes Jackets, jumpers, shoes, drink bottles etc.

There has been a very smooth transition back to CCS and I thank everyone for being diligent in updating hours and checking statements for billing information. Please ensure you are checking your statement for billing dates and following our centres NO debt policy.


Last week, our children and staff all dressed in their Pyjama's to raise funds for Children in foster care. We all had a wonderful day snug and warm in our pj's making cubby houses and having heaps of fun. Our day was full of conversation and role playing which was so lovely to see.

Thank you kindly to those parents who donated to the worthy cause.


Thank you also to everyone who participated in our reflection questionnaire on EDUCA last week. Each week a new question will be posted, and we will look forward to feedback from our parents.


Our vegetables and herbs are growing and the children are loving to help the staff water our garden daily and are continually learning to care for our garden. They are involved in a range of aspects in regards to gardening including watering, weeding and planting various seeds. This coincides with National Tree Day next Monday the 27th July. We have been able to use beans and zucchinis from the garden, and very soon, we will be able to harvest our peas.


Please be aware that our centre will be closed on Friday 14th August for the Brisbane Ekka Show Holiday.