It has certainly been a very different first half of the year, and thankyou to all the parents for everyone's understanding and support during this period.

It is so wonderful to see so many of our beautiful children return this week, and we have even more returning next week. We are looking forward to everyone's return and cannot wait for the laughter and joy floating throughout the halls of the centre.

Now that there is a lot more foot traffic throughout the centre at drop off and pick ups, please ensure you use the hand sanitizer at the front desk on arrival and departure. Please also limit your time at the centre, with quick drop offs and pick ups. Also when with staff and other parents, please also practise social distancing. We are so thrilled everyone is back, but want to ensure the safety of everyone.

Please also DO NOT send your child if they are unwell. This includes runny noses, coughs and temperatures. We are wanting to ensure the health of all our families and appreciate all the parents working together with us to keep children away when they are unwell.

The centre hours at the moment are still 6:15am till 5:30pm.

We are very excited that happy feet classes will resume next week, as well as our Nabei indigenous games will also resume for our pre-schoolers next week.

Please remember to send your child with a hat, water bottle and spare clothes each day. Now that the weather is getting cooler, please send along a small blanket for rest time, and also a jumper for the afternoons. Please label everything.

It is my pleasure to work in nursery room while Sharan has been away sick with her leg, and poor Jothi broke her ankle. The children have started knowing me and have started building relationships with me. It has been a busy time in the nursery room. We have welcomed new friends to play with and share our smiles.

Recently we have seen lots of our nursery friends getting mobile, which means lots of pulling selves up on the furniture standing and walking. It's so exciting to see the children move through this transition as they build their confidence in their newly discovered skills.

We have been creating invitations to play with the animals, cars play, painting, loose play material and now our quiet cosy book nook. Its great to see children exploring new play setting and creates such positive interactions between the children and educators.

Its wonderful to see little friendships forming.

Thanks Miss kiran and Miss Muditha 

Hi everyone.

Time is flying by and it is almost end of May. Hopefully everyone feels safe at this difficult time of the virus. This month the Toddlers have few more new children. Some have moved up from Nursery and few children have joined our centre. We are all excited to get to know our new friends and families. Please do not hesitate to ask us anything and we all welcome feedback and open communication. This month the Toddlers were learning about Food Nutrition. We were also learning about the different fruits left over from our morning tea that they can feed the worms. We enjoyed giving them banana peels and also apple peels. This month we were continually learning Hygiene practising like washing hands with soap. They were also learning about counting numbers from 1-10 by using the fingers and learning to recognize alphabet letter "A B C" from the flash cards. Our very clever toddlers were also practising saying their own name and also, we were practising our friend's names. We have also been learning "Thank you and Please.". Please send a small blanket for your child, as there are some cool days, and also please remember to pack your child a jumper.

Toddler's Educators

Hi to all our families and carers. We are happy to give you update about what has been happening here in the Junior Kindy Room!

This month Junior Kindy children have been focusing on fine motors skills development through using scissors, threading, beading and drawing. Children are using the opening and closing motion of their fingers while cutting that helps in developing small muscles in their hands. We extended this with threading activities, where kids were able to use their pincer grip to hold on the thread and inserted beads thus displaying their hand eye coordination and control.

Dramatic play was a winner this month with most of the kids exploring different roles in home corner, dressing up themselves, caring for babies and setting up tables developing their independency and confidence. They were expressing their feelings through role-play in the home corner and exhibited their social and language skills while negotiating roles.

Children have also been concentrating on developing their numeracy skills where they explored the number puzzles with great interest throughout this month. Children manipulated with puzzle pieces, sorting and matching them with the right number on the board. In this process applying their mathematical skills they were identifying and counting the number with the educators. We extended it during group time by using number flash cards where children counted the number of objects on the card and were able to recognise the specific number. We also read a book, "let's count Kisses", sang number songs, counted on our fingers that supports the development of other number skills, such as counting, spatial sense and representation of mathematical ideas by using words, pictures, symbols, and objects.

Please feel free to come and chat with us if you have any concerns relating to your child. We are always ready to help you with your child's needs. Looking forward to an amazing next month. 

Hi families!

Senior kindy room have been set a new forest setting and natural resources in order to improve our children's concentration, imagination and creativity. The children enjoyed playing animals next to the new setting, and told me 'we are playing with the animals in the forest'.

To create a welcoming and confident environment for the children, we adjusted our routine to have more group time for enhancing our children's literacy, numeracy and skills. We have provided more opportunities for our children to develop their early literacy by reading books and learn how to use books responsibly. Further, our children enjoyed doing science experiment at mat time. They have developed a range of skills and processes through different experiments such as hypothesizing, investigating and problem solving.

In addition, the children have been busy exploring different aspects of identity through lots of role play. The children both boys and girls love interacting and exploring at the home corner where they are able to role-play different scenarios on how they would care and look after the babies. They love to share their ideas with their peers, which provides them a great opportunity to develop their communication skills and co-operation skills.

Very hungry caterpillar has been a very popular song with children, they asked to read it over and over again. As we are learning to enhance the children's knowledge of days of week and numbers, I will design more numeracy activities relate to this storybook. Therefore, our children will be able to slowly enhance their abilities throughout various activities.

Jamie Zhou

Senior kindy teacher 

We are excited to see our friends and peers back to our preschool space, its nice to see the enthusiasm and excitement among the children to see their friends back with them.

During the month of May the pre-schoolers understood the importance of hygienic practices to keep themselves and others around them safe. We supported children to develop correct method of handwashing, catching cough and sneezes. We explored Educational videos by Queensland Government and read books to help the children understand the importance of it especially during this unprecedented COVID-19 circumstances.

We celebrated Mother's Day and Eid and Ramadan with our peers and friends by reading books, making cards and banners and sharing stories from home.

The children at preschool are interested in numeracy especially counting; the Educators have been extending on this interest with handmade learning activities, books and number songs with props. We have been playing 'Buttons on Snowman', 'Sprinkles on Ice cream' and 'Snakes and Ladders' game. We learnt few songs on Frogs, Ice creams, monkey, Flying saucers with number themes.

The preschool children are enthusiastically exploring Human Anatomy especially Teeth. We are understanding this aspect of human body by reading books and watching videos. This is supporting our understanding of functions of teeth and ways to keep them healthy. Thankyou to the support of the parents who jumped on board wit us in our exploration.