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Spring is in the air

 Spring is in the air and we are all very excited for the beautiful weather it brings. We have had a busy few months and we welcome all of our new families and friends.

Our staff have also been very busy spring cleaning our centre and we are also very excited with the many exciting additions we have made to our centre. With the help of the children, the staff have made some new vegetable and herb gardens, and have also planted some fruit trees. We have a beautiful mandarin tree and orange tree in our garden, and also have some palm trees we are going to plant. The children are very excited and enjoy helping the staff care for our plants daily.

Next week we are having the Henny Penny Hatching Program at our centre. Approximately 10-12 eggs will be delivered on Monday in an incubator, and we will all be able to watch as little chicks hatch out of the eggs during the week. By the second week, when the little chicks are strong, the children will be able to have a hold of them with the supervision of the teachers. We will all learn about the life cycle of a chick and be a part of this awesome learning experience.

A very big congratulations to many of our parents who are celebrating the birth of their child. We wish you the very best and are looking forward to cuddles.

Please make sure you bring a hat, water bottle and spare clothes daily for your child. 

 We welcome our Nursery parents to our spring newsletter. Where has this year gone, our little nursery children have grown up so much this year. Our friend Jordan has moved up to the toddler room to join Simon and make some new friends. We hope all our dads enjoy Father's Day with their families. We are busy little movers now so one of our daily experiences is going outside especially on the swings enjoying this beautiful weather with Miss Jothi and Miss Sam. We have been doing a lot of sticky, messy sensory art/play with glue, glitter, play dough, finger painting, walking foot prints, wall roller painting, wet/dry sand, watering our plants outside and lots more these experiences continue to encourage our children's sensory play, confidence and imagination the looks on their faces some days are priceless (especially when we did sparkly glitter and glue)! Our nursery children have been independent little learners Henry is sitting up and loves exploring Miss Sam's sight cards, Ava is taking short steps to myself and or Jothi getting very excited when she does , Alfred is moving around independently with walkers and stepping around play structures (we used the outdoor cubby house for a week), Cameron and Elena have been showing beautiful, caring and sharing natures, Cameron is understanding sharing by saying 'TA', and Elena is nurturing her friends with kisses and cuddles (Henry has accepted extra kisses in his day by little mama Elena) ! Thank you Sam and Jothi. 


This month of August had been very busy in the toddlers room children were exploring and learning through various planned and spontaneous activates relating to healthy eating, children were having hands on experiences with these learning topic through craft activities,sensory play ,cooking experiences, group time and being active together with their educators and friends.

Healthy eating is an ongoing learning topic for our children, it encourages children to try new food eating healthy snacks such as fresh seasonal fruit, carrot sticks and drink lots of water through out the day. Children have been enjoying eating healthy fruit and drink water with their friends. They also learn about different fruit through craft activities they made some apple, banana, orange, grapes and many more one of their favourite activity was making their own healthy and delicious crackers with cheese, capsicum, tomato.

Also this month we focused on animals from jungles we explored a wide range of animals. One of our favourite activities was using the toy animals in the through of sand and water what a blast that was. We also enjoyed lots of creative art experiences painting animals and colouring them. reading picture books about animals ,dress up etc.

Also fathers day is coming so we are quite busy learning songs, reading stories and making gifts for their dad .this will make dad proud for sure.

Also children enjoy singing songs ten fat sausages, 12345 are ones of the popular ones. we have discovered loud, soft, fast and slow while we sing along with one another. The children are developing their counting abilities. The older children can recognise the number and the younger children are learning how to count.

Finally, just a reminder to all parents and children to bring a hat ,sleep sheet and spare clothes every day with you to childcare.

Miss Kelly Miss Bailee 

 Junior Kindy Newsletter

Hi everyone,

Wow! What a busy month our junior kindy has had!

Junior kindy have been continuing on with their focus on learning about emotions. We have noticed they were showing concern and compassion for their friends in times of need, learning to share, taking turns and using their manners. This is to help children develop resilience and strategies to manage their own emotions.

Junior kindy have also been working hard on their colour recognition. We also introduced a game of memory to the children. We used the flashcards at group time, which not only encourages children to label and recognize their colours, but also use their recall memory skills. We have also practiced our fine motor skills through a colour sorting activity, using tongs to pick up the coloured pom–pom.

We have been exploring dinosaur's world this whole month through a sensory table that has been set up in the room with all sorts of dinosaurs, grass mat, wooden blocks and some pine-cones to give it a natural ambience. Dinosaur's dramatic play also developed their expressive language as they narrated their play.

To recognize the national science week this month, junior kindy have been trying out some age appropriate science experiments like fizzy vinegar and soda experiment, milk and colour and puffy paint experiment. Science experiments gave them the opportunity to explore the natural and man-made world around them and it also encouraged discussions about what they see, feel, hear, smell and discover.

Toilet training and self help development with our water bottle and sunscreen stations has been going very well with the parents and the staff have been working together to support the children in this.

We welcome any further feedback you may have!

Miss Shweta, Miss Cece & Miss Mymy.

'Don't Cry, Don't Shout. Don't make a peep, I promised dad we'd let him sleep! Ssshhhhh'

If you haven't already heard about our story wall, come into the classroom and have a look at the story we followed and recreated through different craft experiences. At the beginning of the year we began to read 'Oh No, Not a Ghost.' The children really enjoyed this story and began to memorize the words, and join in during story time. This really improved our language and social skills during group time. We than further extended our interest in the story by visualizing it in art and crafts experiences. You can see all of the ghosts, ware wolves, giant, demons, witches, skeletons and Scary dad faces on our classroom wall. These craft experiences were designed to further develop the children's scissor skills, fine motor development, social skills and collaboration, and creativity.

Have a great Fathers Day

Miss Casey and Miss Kiran 

Hello Families,

Wow, the year is flying by and we are getting so close to the end. I would like to remind all parents to ensure your child still has a jumper in their bags as it can get quite cool out in the yard in the afternoons. Also, is it imperative that your child brings a hat and water bottle every day, this is for their own health and wellbeing as well as teaching them responsibility.

Now our learning. In the few weeks that Miss Savannah has been back, we are straight back into the swing of things. Our big focus at the moment is learning how to write our names. The children are doing so well at focussing and attempting to write each letter of their names. We have placed laminated copies up on the wall near our drawing table to help the children look at the formation of letters and attempt to write it themselves. This seems to be working quite well and we will continue it through till the end of the year.

Some of the children have shown a great interest in exploring nature and science so we have been exploring this each week. We have set up on the tables, various natural materials and included with these objects such as dinosaurs, magnifying glasses and wild animals. During science week we explored volcanoes, looking at what they do and how they are created. We used our bodies to mimic the movement of lava as it gets hot and works its way up through the earth's crust and explodes out the top. This culminated in us building a playdough volcano and watching it erupt using bi carb soda, vinegar and red food colouring.

Lastly, we have continued to water our beautiful fruit and vegetable garden which has resulted in the growth of capsicums and beans. When they mature, we will pick them and eat them. The children are learning the reciprocal relationship between nature and humans and we will continue to foster this relationship as our garden continues to give us fruit and veggies.

That is all from us for now, we look forward to the next few weeks to see where our learning takes us. If you have any questions or concerns, please come and talk to us.

Miss Savannah and Miss Jasmine